Carola’s Hard Boot to Barbie Thug: “Satanist Ritual”

Carolas Hard Boot to Barbie Thug Satanist Ritual

The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 was decided on Saturday with drama down to the last second. During the competition, there were several entries that aroused strong feelings among the viewers, including Israel’s Eden Golanwhose involvement has long been debated.

The Swedish artist Carola Häggkvist had, however, directed his criticism in another direction. On Instagram, she takes the opportunity to express her horror at Ireland’s artist Bambi Thug:

– Satanic ritual on stage in front of an audience of millions, she says in the post.

The Eurovision artist gained over 800,000 followers – in three days

Eurovision Song Contest

News24 has previously written about viewers’ criticism of Ireland’s Bambie Thug. Both on X and in Eurovision groups on Facebook, viewers have raised their eyebrows.

The comments come from, among other things, parents who consider Bambie Thug’s performance scary, but also people who associate the song with devil worship:

“The best I’ve seen! Parents are going to have problems with overnight stays tonight”.

“No, I don’t see the ‘cool’ thing about screaming and devil worship. Sorry. I don’t see anything ‘cool’ about this at all.”.

“How can people see this as new thinking? She put a curse on us all”.

READ MORE: Viewers rage at Bambie Thug’s Eurovision entry: ‘Horrible’

Carola’s Boot to Bambie Thug: “A Horde of Demons”

On Instagram, Carola was not shy about criticizing the contribution. She says that both the song and the performance make her uncomfortable, because in her eyes the song is satanic.

Below the Instagram post it says:

“Then there was that with Ireland’s contribution… Satanic ritual on stage in front of an audience of millions and people who didn’t choose to have a horde of demons scream at them. What’s going on..?”

Carola then compares Bambie Thug’s Satanic appearance to her own godly songs, which she believes would not be allowed on the Eurovision stage:

“Or is it just me and a few others who reacted? As if I were to stand and sing that Jesus is risen and the blood cleanses us from all sin, on repeat!! In tongues. Did I get it..? Probably not. Is the thing we should preserve now is to keep our hearts warm & pure, I think. What do you think?”

Read more news from nyheter24 here:

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