Carla Bruni heard in part of the investigation into Libyan financing involving Sarkozy

Carla Bruni heard in part of the investigation into Libyan

The singer and model Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is heard this Thursday morning as a suspect in the investigation into the 2020 retraction of the intermediary Ziad Takieddine, who accuses Nicolas Sarkozy of having financed his 2007 presidential campaign with Libyan funds, we learned AFP from a source close to the case, confirmed by a judicial source.

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Already heard as a witness in this judicial investigation in June 2023, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is this time questioned in a free hearing as a person accused by investigators from the Central Office for the Fight against Corruption and Financial and Tax Offenses (OCLCIFF) in Nanterre.

The former head of state was indicted in this case at the beginning of October in Francefor concealment of witness tampering and criminal association with a view to preparing trial fraud by an organized gang.

According to elements of the investigation, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was first heard as a simple witness in particular because “Mimi” Marchand – real name Michèle Marchand, figure in the celebrity press -, also implicated in the file, had argued for meetings with his friend, wife of Nicolas Sarkozy, to justify trips to the head of state’s home at key moments of the operation.

Read alsoInvestigation into Ziad Takieddine’s retraction: Nicolas Sarkozy doubly indicted

But according to a source close to the case, the investigating judge has since questioned various elements against him, and in particular on a “desire to conceal” Carla Bruni while all her messages exchanged with Ms. Marchand were allegedly deleted on 5 June 2021, day of the latter’s indictment.

The ex-model is therefore suspected of having played at a minimum a role of point of contact in this matter between different protagonists.

Hearings have been carried out in recent months in his entourage, another source close to the matter told AFP.

Eleven protagonists

The affair exploded in November 2020 when Ziad Takieddinethe main witness against Nicolas Sarkozy since 2012, had made a spectacular about-face on BFMTV and Paris Match by declaring that the former head of state had “not not received a cent, cash or no cash, for the presidential election » 2007 from the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

On the run to Lebanon, to escape his conviction in the Karachi affair, Mr. Takieddine retracted his remarks two months later before the investigating magistrates.

The PNF opened a judicial investigation into these facts in May 2021, before a first wave of arrests the following month, which notably concerned the “queen of the paparazzi”.

In this case, there are now eleven protagonists, including Ms. Bruni, who are suspected of having worked, at varying times and degrees, in this operation which was mainly aimed at deceiving French justice.

Among those accused, in addition to Mr. Sarkozy, Ms. Marchand, the intermediary Noël Dubus, already convicted of fraud, the powerful business leader David Layani, etc. The proceedings against the financier Pierre Reynaud, who died in May 2023, are over.
