Carige, Consob to B for more information on the takeover bid

Carige Consob to B for more information on the takeover

(Finance) – Suspended for a maximum of 15 days, the terms for approval by the Consob of the prospectus of the mandatory takeover bid Bper on the actions of Carige after the stock exchange authority has requested additional information. It can be read in a note from Bper.

With reference to the document on the mandatory total takeover bid on Banca Carige ordinary shares and on the voluntary takeover bid on Carige savings shares promoted by BPER Banca – the note reads – “the bidder informs that today Consob has requested, pursuant to of Article 102, paragraph 4 of the TUF, certain additional information, by ordering the suspension of the terms of the investigation for the approval of the Offer Document until the completion of the information framework and, in any case, for a period not exceeding 15 days with effect from June 17, 2022 “.
