CAREL Industries, shareholders’ meeting approves financial statements and dividend of € 0.15

Carel acquires 30 of Arion share rises to 70

(Finance) – The shareholders’ meeting of CAREL Industriesa group listed on Euronext Star Milan and active in the production of components to achieve high energy efficiency in the air conditioning and refrigeration markets, has approved the budget for the year 2021 and to allocate the net profit (equal to € 27,318,447) as follows: distribution to the shareholders of a dividend of € 0.15 for each share, with coupon detachment date on June 20, 2022, record date on June 21, 2022 and payment on June 22, 2022; the remainder to other reserves.

The shareholders also examined the Report on the remuneration policy and on the remuneration paid, approving the remuneration policy relating to the 2022 financial year described in the first section and expressing a favorable opinion on the second section of the same. Finally, green light for the new purchase authorization and disposal of own actionssubject to revocation, for the part not yet executed, of the authorization approved by resolution of 20 April 2021.
