Caregivers are sentenced to prison for raping children

Caregivers are sentenced to prison for raping children

Published: Less than 1 hour ago

A caregiver at an HVB home committed abuse against a 16-year-old girl on at least twenty occasions.

Now he is sentenced to five years in prison.

“The man has been responsible for protecting and nurturing but has committed repeated abuses against the girl,” the district court writes in the judgment.

A 55-year-old man was sentenced today in the Skaraborg district court for exploiting a now 16-year-old girl who was dependent on him.

The crime is considered serious, according to the lawsuit, because it involved a reckless exploitation of the child that the perpetrator would have looked after and supervised, according to the Act on the care of young people.

The assaults must have gone on for several months and have escalated over time. The verdict states that the abuse only stopped when the perpetrator was fired, after another girl told the staff at the accommodation about her suspicions.

The man was charged with several crimes, including several rapes against children on at least twenty occasions. Several of the rapes are also said to have taken place in the premises where the girl was cared for. He was also charged with sexual posing and child pornography offences.

“The posing was intended to harm the child’s health and development,” writes the prosecutor.

Today he was sentenced to five years in prison for rape of a child, sexual abuse of a child and gross exploitation of a child for sexual posing as well as child pornography offences. In addition, he must pay SEK 380,000 in damages to the girl.

The district court has assessed the girl’s accounts as credible. In addition, the district court writes that the man subjected the girl to grooming, as over 1,500 text messages were sent between them.

The man has denied all acts.
