Carefully check the options you subscribed to when purchasing your smartphone, because it is likely that you are paying for nothing! There are much more advantageous solutions…

Carefully check the options you subscribed to when purchasing your

Carefully check the options you subscribed to when purchasing your smartphone, because it is likely that you are paying for nothing! There are much more advantageous solutions…

Your smartphone is a precious asset that is essential for everyday life. Also, especially if you have invested in a high-end device, you have undoubtedly taken precautions to protect it from everyday accidents. It is likely that at the time of purchase, you were offered to take out insurance against theft, breakage and oxidation. Maybe you didn’t even want it, but the telephone advisor was able to convince you – you never know. Faced with the low price to spend monthly compared to the value and usefulness of the device, all combined with the fear of premature failure, you accepted.

But perhaps this advisor neglected to mention to you that this is so-called affinity insurance, which is distinct from the compulsory guarantee. And as the withdrawal period is thirty days, you are required to pay for at least one year. However, this type of insurance is often unnecessary. Already, because the law imposes a guarantee of conformity for a period of two years, which covers your phone if it presents a defect during this period. Then, because your comprehensive home insurance contract also covers the objects found there in the event of disasters.

Please note, however, that theft guarantee is not necessarily included in all contracts – a basic contract generally includes guarantees in the event of water damage, fire and explosion, civil liability and natural disaster. In addition, if there were a problem with your smartphone outside your home, your home insurance contract would not work. This is why you can ask your insurer for an extension of warranty, called “Mobility protection”. It is entirely possible that it will cost less than a specific contract. But make sure that the theft guarantee is included, and that it is not an option!

This solution can be much preferable to taking out affinity insurance, because the latter often contains numerous exclusions, which the seller will not necessarily clearly present to you when taking out the contract – that’s because it works. to the commission the guy! For the theft of a phone, for example, you will only be compensated if your device breaks during an attack or if it is taken from you. In addition, the reimbursement amount is most often the value of the device on the day of the loss and not its replacement value. Note that home insurance covers all your items (computer, multiple smartphones, tablet, etc.) at the same time, whereas affinity insurance is only valid for a single, well-defined device.
