Career reconstruction changes, ANIEF is not in favor of it: ready to oppose us

Scuola Anief Decreto PA bis approvato emendamento dirigenti scolastici asteriscati

(Finance) – The career reconstructions of school staff are changing, but are we sure that the advantage is for all teachers and Ata? Unfortunately not. The union reiterates this Anief, after novelty which occurred with the approval of the “Save infringements” decree which became state law in August.

The new norm – we read in the note – it is adopted starting from new hires starting from the current school year and is advantageous only for some: in certain cases, the economic recovery can exceed the 25 thousand euros lost during the first 20 years of service after entry into the role. But for those who have shorter substitutions, the new calculation of the years of actual service can be very penalizing: for example, for those who have worked just over 180 days of substitutions in a year, with the new rule the equivalence to substitution is eliminated annual, thereby circumventing the position favorable expressed in unsuspecting times by the Court of Cassation.

“That being the case – continues Pacifico – many teachers, Ata and educators will be able to undertake a judicial initiative, always after a pre-assessment of the individual position of the worker, as practiced by the Anief Lawyers. I remember, iFurthermore, again on the basis of what has been established by the Court of Cassation, those who have been hired to date under the decree will be able to oppose the reconstruction of their career (due to the ‘freezing’ for 20 years a third of the service completed is higher than the first four of the pre-role) : it will always be possible for them to have recourse to the labor judge, in order to obtain the arrears (in the case of a decade of substitutions to August 31st, for example, they can exceed 25 thousand euros) due to the delayed realignment of one’s career”.
