(Finance) – “Sula reform of our professional system we are critical of the text proposed to politics by the National Council. And with us many other orders. A text that does not create identity, the purposes of the reform itself are not clear and our activity is parcelled. Article 1 which is what he defines us, introduces a long list of skills spending where in the end we do not identify ourselves in anything. Only a series of specializations that dementia our skills. Then there is the problem of the structure of our category; Here too a very complex electoral reform was made with a secret vote of the councilors. This allows the National Council to be able to act without having any type of control by the carriers of real interests. There is an unexpected of the problems related to the discipline and the incompatibility that today make less sense. In the code of ethics there are only prohibitions without counteracting the key principles such as integrity, transparency, the care of the common interest. This rule seems to be the result of so much haste without comparison with the territories “. He said it Marcella Caradonnapresident of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan, who spoke during the round table “The demographic crisis and the future of social security systems”, as part of the eighth National accountant forum and accounting experts “The Reformation Tax and the 2025 budget law “, promoted by Italia today, with the patronage of the CNPR.
On the ‘reform’ he also expressed himself Enrico Terzaninumber one from the OdCec in Florence: “With the reform of ‘139’, relating to Higher Training Schools, we try to introduce specializations. However, we believe that there are too many books that require compulsory inscriptions, while our request is to proceed with a rationalization that reduces the number of these lists. Considering the rapidity with which today’s economy evolves, we believe that the specializations are appropriate, but it is necessary to report the management of the registers under the control of the National Council, while providing for a reduction in the training hours required. As for the responsibility of the members of the union colleges, we underline that it is not acceptable that there is a solidarity responsibility between mayors and administrators. On this point, the National Council has advanced a modification proposal that establishes that the board of statutory auditors, except in the cases of willful misconduct, can be called to respond only for an amount equal to a multiple of perceived compensation.
We trust that this reform is approved as soon as possible by Parliament, since it represents an important step for the protection of the category and the clarity of responsibilities “.
On the future of the profession he intervened Luigi Pagliuca, President of the pension fund of accountants and accounting experts: “The evolution of the profession is a complex issue. On the one hand, we appreciate the efforts of the government, and the deputy minister Leo in particular, in trying to meet the needs of our category with a sincere commitment; On the other hand, we cannot ignore the difficulties that professionals encounter daily, such as simple access to the offices of the Revenue Agency. We do not understand why citizens cannot be accompanied by their consultants when they go to the financial administration. This feeds the doubt that there is a will of disappointment of the role of the accountant. In this context, we believe that the aggregation road It is the only one as possible, but cannot be left exclusively to the sensitivity of individuals. It is necessary to support it concretely. As for artificial intelligence – added Pagliuca -, we recognize that investments in this sector are enormous and that it is not possible to block or ignore this phenomenon. We are faced with a ‘technological tsunami’ that we must know how to ride and use in the best possible way. We are only at the beginning, but the benefits in terms of lightening the charges in professional studies are already glimpsed. Howeverit is essential that the professional knows how to manage this tool, aware of the fact that artificial intelligence can never replace his ability to relationship and process. These skills remain and will remain fundamental for our profession “.
Ferdinando Boccianumber one of the CDC, highlighted that “the case is particularly sensitive to the theme of aggregations between professionals, recognizing it as an element of great importance for the future of the profession. To build a fair and advantageous system, we have expanded strategic welfare initiatives, focusing on major welfare protections and growth opportunities for members.
The institutes of welfare have been enhanced to improve professionals’ skills, with particular attention to the training and support of families. To this end, specific calls dedicated to those with children have been introduced. In addition, we have not neglected the protection of health, introducing a special policy for medical check-ups.
For 2025 there is a significant increase in resources intended for assistance measures, with an allocation of 36.5 million euros. One of the most important challenges remains support for young professionals: two new calls are ready with numerous measures to encourage the purchase of instrumental assets.
However, a relevant obstacle for professional aggregation – concluded Boccia – It is represented by taxation. It is essential to extend the tax breaks also to aggregate forms, so as to further encourage the collaboration between professionals and support the progress of the category “.