Car, Urso: Italy “Guide” reform front in Europe

Industry and inflation Urso announces progress on Piombino and

(Finance) – “Italy guides the reform front in Europe to put the European car on the right path”. This was stated, according to what is learned, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Ursoat the opening of the automotive table at Mimit. “We moved first, already six months ago – he said – with our non -pay on the automotive sector we forced the EU Commission to include two absolutely necessary, but still not sufficient pre -contracts on the Automotive Plan on the automotive plan: the postponement of the penalties scheduled for 2025, which would have led to the collapse of the European industry, and the advance to the second half of this year of the revision of the regulation on light vehicles, initially expected for the end of the end of the end. 2026 “.

Urso stressed that “Many believed it would be impossible and we did it. But it is not enough. As I reiterated the official text on Wednesday the competitiveness council It remains weak and ambiguous on technological neutrality. There are still too many contradictions. It is essential that, to achieve the objectives of the transition, it is open to all available technologies, starting from biofuels and hydrogen. It is then necessary to review the method of calculating emissions. Adequate resources are also needed at European level to encourage Made in Europe production and guarantee strategic autonomy on electrical batteries. The battle is still long, but we don’t give up. We know that the Italian system, businesses and unions, are with us “.

“The Green Deal has done nothing but accelerate the deindustrialization of the continent. We must immediately change its way while maintaining the same objectives of full decarbonisation”, he said also underlining that “we are at a decisive turning point for the survival of the automotive sector in Europe – he said – between crazy rules that undermine competitiveness and increasingly aggressive global competition, to which the New critical issues deriving from possible American duties and Chinese overproduction that could flood the European market “.
