Car has crashed into Downing Street gate – one arrested

One person has been arrested after a car crashed into the gates of 10 Downing Street in London, reports Reuters.
According to the police, no one was injured.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak lives and has his official office at 10 Downing Street in London.

On Thursday afternoon, a car crashed into the gates at the address.

Pictures show a silver car crashed outside the prime minister’s gates. Reuters reports that a man has been arrested on suspicion of vandalism and reckless driving.

Arrested by armed police

– At around 16.20 a car collided with the gates of Downing Street in Whitehall. Armed officers arrested a man at the scene, police said in a statement.

Whitehall Street is currently closed.

It is unclear whether the crash was a deliberate act or an accident.
