Captivus penis: when the man’s penis remains stuck during the act

Captivus penis when the mans penis remains stuck during the

Penis captivus is a rare sexual accident which refers to the situation in which the penis remains stuck in the woman’s vagina. Is this really possible?

Definition: what is penis captivus?

The penis captivus or “captive penis” describes a rare situation that can occur during sexual intercourse:The man’s penis would get stuck in the woman’s penis. He couldn’t leave because of contractions vaginal”explains gynecologist Brigitte Letombe.

Is it possible for the penis to get stuck in the vagina?

For her, it’s no longer a myth than a medical condition. Personally, I have never seen it, and I have never heard of colleagues who have been confronted with it.”. In a bulletin published in the BMJ medical journal In 1979, a physicist recalled all the cases of penis captivus that had been reported in the past. Especially in the 19th and 20th century. In conclusion to these observations, he indicated that “the lack of intercourse suggests that this penis captivus is not only rare but also relatively a transient symptom with less sensational consequences than those fabricated by rumor.”

What causes penis captivus?

If penis captivus is not recognized medically, it is believed that the cause would be muscle contractions prolonged vagina. “There is in fact a recognized disease in which the muscles of a woman’s vagina can contract extremely: this is called vaginismus, but this disease prevents any penetration”, explains the gynecologist. “The cause is psychological: fear of the sexual act, fear of pain following an illness, a mycosis or an infection…”.

How long can the penis stay stuck in the vagina?

The contraction of the vaginal muscles can last from a few seconds to several tens of minutes.

What are the solutions for a captivated penis?

Even though penis captivus is more of a myth than a real medical situation, if it really happens to you, there is not much you can do. It would only be necessary play down the situation to relax, so that the muscles of the vagina relax. THE Rectal touch would also be recommended: this would cause a reflex of relaxation of the muscles of the perineum.

Thanks to Dr Brigitte Letombe, gynecologist.
