Capcom Introduces Dynamic Controls

a gameplay video with Guile breaking mouths

Modern and classic controls will not be the only types of controls present in Street Fighter 6. Indeed, during a game session with our colleagues from Game Informer, Capcom presented the dynamic controls with which the developers clearly aim to push the limits of accessibility in terms of fighting. “In a classic fighting game, when beginners hammer the buttons, they often hit a blankentrusted the Takayuki Nakayama. So we wanted something meaningful and potentially life-changing to happen when the keys are pressed randomly.

According to the description made by Game Informer, it is the AI ​​that, depending on the position of our character and the situation in which he finds himself, decides on the most appropriate attack. “To my surprise, Shuhei Matsumoto [le producteur de Street Fighter 6, ndlr] put the controller on the table in front of him and began to press the buttons one after the other with his index fingeris it indicated in the paper. His character then used all types of attacks. So it becomes obvious that the dynamic controls are not supposed to test your skill as a Street Fighter player. They simply ensure that everyone has fun while playing.

While Capcom has taken the time to balance modern and classic controls so that both are usable online, dynamic controls will be limited to local. Also note that players who opt for this type of command will still be able to move the character with the directional pad and execute counters. Needless to say, we’re curious to see what these dynamic controls look like, controller-in-hand, although the video above gives a first look. We remind you that the release of Street Fighter 6 is scheduled for 2023 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, PS5 and PC.
