CAP Group, Russo: “Technological innovation and circular economy at the heart of our industrial strategy”

CAP Group Russo Technological innovation and circular economy at the

(Finance) – “Investing in technological innovation and in the circular economy are the basic principles of our entire industrial strategy. public services we can respond adequately to the challenges that the future, but also our difficult present, are posing us. We have a great opportunity offered by the PNRR and the plan drawn up both in the areas of energy, digital and ecological transition to build the foundations today for a more sustainable future “. That’s what he said Alessandro Russo, president and CEO of the CAP Group, interviewed on the occasion of Ecomondo.

The CAP Group has broadened its horizons by gradually assuming the nature of a green utility. What does this step consist of?

“It means recognizing that around the management of the integrated water service there are a series of opportunities that are linked to the environment, to the transformation towards a greener world. From this point of view we are working hard to understand how to best use our purifiers. , progressively transforming them into biorefineries, and also how to center a supply chain of networks, therefore of the aqueduct and sewerage, thanks to digital changes that allow us to consume as little as possible and therefore to be more attentive to the environment “.

What are the main projects you presented at Ecomondo?

“We presented some projects related to the bioplatform of Sesto San Giovanni which today represents the first and only case in Italy of advanced recovery of sewage sludge; development projects of Neutalia, a company that we have set up together with other companies in the area; and finally we presented a whole series of digitization projects that want to try to tell how the water world will change in the coming years “.

On the PNRR front, what are the main challenges?

“On the NRP front, the challenges for us are linked to the possibility of interventions on the climate change front and a new urban planning of the territories, and to some interventions concerning the efficiency of networks with a view to modernity and digitization”.
