Cannabidiol (CBD): what products are authorized for sale in France?

Cannabidiol CBD what products are authorized for sale in France

On Monday January 24, 2022, the ministerial decree which prohibited the sale of hemp leaves and flowers, and therefore those of CBD, was suspended by the Council of State. Since then, which products containing cannabidiol have been authorized for sale in France and which organizations are authorized to distribute them to the general public?

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Some varieties of cannabis are devoid of any narcotic properties, and it is precisely these that are used in the composition of CBD-based products. However, a certain vagueness still surrounds the question of the products actually marketable in France since the decision of January 24, 2022. Learn more about the true nature of the cannabidiol (CBD)… And find out in what forms it can be purchased and used on French soil.

What is the definition of CBD?

The name CBD is the abbreviation of the term cannabidiol, which is a molecule cannabinoid present in hempthe latter also being called cannabis.

Unlike the most well-known hemp active (THC), this molecule has no narcotic effect. There are different varieties of hemp and not all of them are loaded equally with THC and CBD.

To date, the effects antiepileptics, anxiolytics and anti-inflammatories of CBD are recognized. In recent years, it has thus been increasingly used to reduce anxiety, promote sleeprelieve some pains muscles and fight againstaddiction to THC.

What CBD products are authorized for sale in France?

In France, it is the consumption and sale of products containing THC that are prohibited; and although it is authorized to cultivate certain varieties of hemp whose THC level is less than 0.3%… No trace of THC is authorized in the products offered for sale on French soil.

Since the law does not prohibit the sale and consumption of CBD, it is products formulated with cannabidiol that are authorized for sale in France. You can find among them:

  • oils;
  • cosmetics;
  • food ;
  • products for e-cigarettes ;
  • food supplements ;
  • etc

Note: the sale of raw leaves and flowers is, for its part, authorized on a provisional basis, while waiting for a body to rule definitively on the legality of the decree concerned.

Which organizations are authorized to sell products containing cannabidiol?

In France, products containing CBD can be purchased in pharmacies, from traders in boutiques physical Where via online shops, such as the e-shop The Little Chanvrier.

In theory, anyone can buy CBD online or in a shop. However, there are certain contraindications related to the consumption of CBD, such as: pregnancybreastfeeding, cardiovascular illnessesimmunosuppression, taking certain medications, depression, etc.

Some studies still need to be done to deepen knowledge about CBD and its contraindications.

Article produced in partnership with Le Petit Chanvrier

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