CANDLE | CLUBSWAN RACING The ClubSwan 50 and ClubSwan 36 shine in Marina di Scarlino

CANDLE CLUBSWAN RACING The ClubSwan 50 and ClubSwan 36

the season of ClubSwan Racing It has started in the best possible way. In Marina di Scarlino (Tuscany, Italy), the first event of the circuit is not disappointing and the equality is maximum between the fleet of ClubSwan 50 and ClubSwan 36. ‘Cuordileone’, ‘Regina 2.0’, ‘Earlybird’, ‘Hatari’ and ‘Balthasar’ are shining at ClubSwan 50, but it is ‘Stella Maris’ the one who leads the class. August Schram’s boat has 24 points and is at the top of the table thanks to a day on Thursday in which it clearly went from less to more. In the first round he was 13th, in the second he was sixth and he won the third. “It was a day of absolutely mixed feelings.. In the first race we came last by quite a margin after the wind came from a direction we didn’t expect. In the second it was fine and the last one was epic with a beautiful fight with ‘Cuordileone’ and we were lucky to win in the final”, commented August Schram.

Thursday’s day was ideal, with sun and 15 knots of wind, and for this Friday similar conditions are expected in the Gulf of Follonica. Three new tasks are planned, starting at 11:00, and the fight for the title of this Swan Tuscany Challenge, which ends on Saturday, will be interesting. On the other hand, in the ClubSwan 36 class, the leader changes are constant and it is that last Thursday there were three different winners: ‘Mamao’ by Haakon Lorentzen, ‘Facing Future’ by Mehmet Taki and ‘Fra Martina’ by Edoardo Pavesio. Mind you, none of them are the current class leader because the ‘G-Spot’ continues to be tremendously regular.

That yes, the boat of Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio cannot be misled because the ‘Facing Future’ (won the second race on Thursday and is only a few points away in the general classification) and the ‘Fran Martina’ (with two seconds and a first place on Thursday), they are tightening. “We had an amazing day on the water and managed to win our first race. For the team it was surprising that we could fight with the best teams. The level of racing is very high, especially at the top, so to win one was unexpected but really cool,” explained ‘Facing Future’ tactician Jesper Radich.

ClubSwan 50 Ranking

1. Stella Maris – 24 points

2.Cuordileone – 27 points


ClubSwan Ranking 36

1. G-Spot – 13 points

2. Facing Future – 15 points

3. Fra Martina – 16 points
