candidates, strategy and poll results

1653445973 candidates strategy and poll results

LR. After the debacle of the presidential election, the Republicans intend to save the furniture during the legislative elections. With the UDI, what result can they aspire to?

They don’t want to disappear. Five years after the disappearance (or almost) of the Socialist Party from the National Assembly, Les Républicains do not want to experience the same fate as their opponents with the rose. The historic formation that brought Charles de Gaulle, Georges Pompidou, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy to power intends to get up after the slap received last April with the very low score recorded by Valérie Pécresse (4.78%). A real slap. But also, and above all, a contrast with the results recorded during the departmental and regional elections of June 2021, at the end of which the local anchoring of the right-wing party was strengthened. Therefore, what can Les Républicains hope for from these legislative elections, once again allied with the UDI of Jean-Christophe Lagarde and Les Centristes of Hervé Morin? Will they have fewer or more deputies after the election? What you need to know about this decisive deadline for Christian Jacob and his family.

Republicans enter the race for the 2022 legislative elections

It is in a particular political context that Les Républicains are approaching the 2022 legislative elections. Undermined by a heavy defeat in the presidential election, the party is advancing towards this election in uncertainty, with the fear of a new national debacle. Its electoral base split in two, the vast majority joining Emmanuel Macron, when a fringe turned, for its part, on the side of the far right. The current that LR represents therefore finds itself squeezed between these two major trends of macronism and lepenism, seeing its electoral appeal reduced to a trickle. However, Christian Jacob, president of the party, wants to be reassuring, he who claims to be “optimistic” and to have “confidence” as to the fate which will be reserved for his candidates, in an interview with the Point.

With Nicolas Sarkozy silent throughout the presidential campaign, except to officially support Emmanuel Macron for the second round, certain departures of elected officials to LREM (Abad, Le Grip, Reda, Brenier) and the image of the failure of the spring ballot does not bode well for a happier less than June. Even if Christian Jacob wants to believe that “when it comes to entrusting the keys to the management of a community, voters prefer to turn to people they feel close to, personalities in whom they can trust and who benefit from a certain experience. This is why I have confidence in our result in the legislative elections.”

Who are the LR candidates in the legislative elections?

The right will be present in almost all the constituencies for the legislative elections. More precisely, 543 candidates were invested in an attempt to integrate the National Assembly in the name of the union of the right and the center: 457 by LR, 59 by the UDI, 26 by the New Center and one by Freedoms and territories. If Christian Jacob, the president of LR, will not seek a new seat as a deputy, several figures of the party aspire to a parliamentary mandate: Eric Ciotti, Michèle Tabarot, Annie Genevard, Philippe Juvin, Aurélien Pradié, Francis Szpiner, Guilhem Carayon, Guillaume Larrivé , Charles Consigny or even Thibaut de Montbrial for LR, when Charles Prats, Philippe Laurent or Agnès Thill will wear the colors of the UDI.

What result for LR in the polls for the legislative elections?

In April, polling institutes had not predicted such a low score for Valérie Pécresse. So what about legislative? According to the few polls published on the legislative elections, the Republicans should not cross the 10% mark in the first round at the national level. A score that could once again be historic. However, the pollsters are not counting on a total disappearance of the political formation in the National Assembly. The various surveys carried out, however, expect an LR victory in around fifty constituencies. A lesser evil…

What result for LR in the legislative elections?

In view of the current political context, previous results and poll estimates, what score can Les Républicains claim? Difficult to rely on a particular figure. Absent from power for ten years, defeated in the last national election, the right-wing party had nevertheless managed to hold its own in previous local elections. 1st party of the Regional (37.63%) and the Departmental (65 presidencies of departments won) in 2021, it had nevertheless experienced a sharp decline in the large cities during the Municipal elections of 2020, while establishing itself more in the medium-sized towns. But during the Presidential, except in Wallis and Futuna, LR did not exceed 15% of the votes cast in any constituency. Harbinger of a new rout?
