Candidates still have time to register for municipal election

Candidates still have time to register for municipal election

Deadline day is drawing near for those aiming to run in this fall’s municipal election.

Candidates have until August 19 to register for seats on Brantford and County of Brant councils in the Oct. 24 election.

Three candidates, including incumbent Kevin Davis, had registered as of Monday for mayor of Brantford. Davis, who is seeking his second term as mayor, is being challenged by former city councilor Dave Wrobel and Ryan Smith.

So far in Brant, incumbent mayor David Bailey is the only official candidate. He is also seeking his second term as mayor.

In Brantford, John Utley, who is finishing his third term representing Ward 2, said in May he won’t be seeking re-election. Also leaving municipal politics is Ward 4 councilor Cheryl Antoski and Ward 1’s Jan Vanderstelt, both of whom have served two terms.

That means there will be a new face representing each of those wards. Two councilors are elected in each of the city’s five wards.

In Ward 1, incumbent Rose Sicoli, who was appointed last December to fill a Ward 1 vacancy following the resignation of Rick Weaver, and Michael Sullivan are the registered candidates to date.

In Ward 2, longtime councilor John Sless has registered for re-election, along with five other candidates: Erica James, Gino Caputo, Mark Littell, Jason Smale and Peter Sheere.

Longtime Ward 3 representatives Greg Martin and Dan McCreary are seeking another term. Also in the running is Mark St. Angelo.

In Ward 4, the registered candidates are Mike Goman, Janet Paul and Kris Gutierrez.

In Ward 5, candidates registered to date are Mandy Samwell and Eric Mundy.

Candidates have until Aug. 19 to register their nomination or withdraw a nomination. Candidates will be certified on Aug. 22.

The County of Brant council could have some familiar faces with most incumbent councilors signing up for re-election. Two will be elected in each of the county’s five wards.

In Ward 1, incumbents John Wheat and John MacAlpine are registered along with Jennifer Kyle.

In Ward 2, incumbent Steve Howes is a registered candidate. His wardmate, Marc Laferriere, has announced he will not be seeking re-election. Also registered are Lukas Oakley and Christina Speers.

In Ward 3, incumbents John Bell and John Peirce are the only candidates so far. It’s the same situation in Ward 4 with incumbents Robert Chambers and David Miller signed up as the only candidates.

In Ward 5, incumbents Joan Gatward and Brian Coleman are seeking another term. Also registered is Mike Gatopoulos.

There will be four Brantford candidates elected as trustees on the Grand Erie District School Board. Registered to date are incumbents Greg Anderson, Carol Ann Sloat and Susan Gibson, along with Nicholas Archer.

Two trustees representing the County of Brant and Norfolk Wards 3 and 7 will be elected to the Grand Erie board. Registered to date are incumbents Rita Collver and Tom Waldschmidt, along with Luanne Ashe and Maria Braun Shelswell.

Two Brantford trustees will be elected to the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board. Registered candidates to date are incumbent trustees Rick Petrella and Bill Chopp.

One trustee will be elected to the Catholic school board to represent the County of Brant. Longtime trustee Dan Dignard is the only candidate to date.

Online voting for the municipal election will be held Oct. 3 to 24. Advance voting will be Oct. 12 to 15 and voting locations will be open on election day from 10 am to 8 pm
