Cancer sufferer Nina is without medication: “Let it be as it will be”

Nina Ozanne from Gothenburg was affected a couple of years ago by strange pains and a noticeable fatigue. At first the doctors thought it was rheumatism, but then a large tumor was discovered. It turned out that she had kidney cancer and a cancer treatment was started. In the fall of 2023, she underwent surgery, but problems arose when the preparatory medicine she was prescribed could not be obtained. “Lucky” – I was lucky that the operation went well, but it could have been less successful. After the operation, Nina Ozanne needed the medicine to be able to heal, but even then it was not possible to get hold of it. She does not yet know whether the missed medicine intake has affected the healing. – I won’t know for a while how it will turn out. But I have worse conditions for this to turn out well. She describes feeling silly when she has to ask the doctors for help to find the medicine. – It is frustrating that you have to take the doctors’ time to look for medicines. Several reasons According to a new report from the Swedish Medicines Agency, the number of drugs reported as remaining increased by 100 percent last year. According to the Medical Products Agency, there are several reasons behind last year’s increase. The current world situation, high energy prices in combination with high inflation are some of the reasons listed in the report. But a weak krona and rising interest rates have also had an impact. For Nina Ozanne, the uncertainty is stressful. – You have to sit and look around and hope that someone has a leftover stock. But I don’t have the opportunity to travel through the whole of western Götaland to look for medicine. – It has to be as it is and I have to hope that I look okay, she says.
