Cancer Foundation: Regions with universities must do more research

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Regions with university healthcare do not invest enough in clinical cancer research. That’s what the Cancer Foundation writes in a new report.

According to the Health and Medical Care Act, the regions must be responsible for ensuring that research is given the right conditions – but it is a responsibility that they are not living up to, according to the Cancer Foundation, which has reviewed the regional responsibility for clinical research in the country’s seven university hospital regions.

Missing unifying processes

The review clearly shows that research is not given enough space in the organization, management and follow-up of care. There is also a lack of clear and coherent processes for research from management down to the operations.

According to the Cancer Foundation, there is also a lack of follow-up from the political side, which risks having devastating consequences for future cancer care.

The Cancer Foundation now demands that the regions make it clear where in the region the responsibility for clinical research according to the Health and Medical Care Act actually lies and that it is followed up.
