Cancer: forbidden foods during chemotherapy

Cancer forbidden foods during chemotherapy

Cancer patients frequently wonder about the dietary contraindications related to chemotherapy. The consumption of certain foods likely affects the body, its functioning as well as the treatment against cancer, it is only natural to inquire about the disturbances possibly caused by specific foods, in order to avoid them throughout chemotherapy.

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Consult below the list of prohibited foods during chemotherapy. In case of doubt or questions, seek advice from your doctor, a dietitian and the entire healthcare team following you as part of your cancer treatment.

Chemotherapy and common dietary contraindications

Various foods can be consumed depending on the type of cancer concerned and the health alterations linked to chemotherapy, which vary from one individual to another. Others are prohibited or at the very least, strongly discouraged, for all people who follow a treatment of this type.

Here are the foods generally prohibited during chemotherapy:

  • alcohol (which can act as an appetite suppressant and increase the risk of canker sores);
  • citrus fruits (which can reduce the effect of certain medications);
  • certain cheeses (which may be difficult to digest and too high in fat).

To find out which foods to avoid during your cancer treatment, do not hesitate to test different types of meals, always light, and note the associated feelings (nausea, digestion, satiety, etc.). Always make sure to focus on balanced and specially fortified meals to support your health throughout chemotherapy.

Foods to avoid in case of nausea and vomiting

Some drugs used as part of chemotherapy can cause nausea or vomiting. To protect yourself against this, prefer a light diet, low in smell and essentially composed of cold foods. Conversely, eliminate fragrant or particularly rich dishes:

  • fish;
  • spicy dishes;
  • lamb and game;
  • foods that are too fatty or too sweet…

Also stay away from places with cooking smells and ask those around you to help you prepare meals.

Foods prohibited in the presence of intestinal disorders

Chemotherapy can cause the digestive system to speed up or slow down. The consumption of certain foods thus depends on the intestinal disorders experienced during cancer treatment. If these disorders are regular, intensify over time or last several days, appropriate treatments can be prescribed by a doctor.

Food tips to treat diarrhea

Temporary diarrhea can be alleviated with a balanced diet rich in starches. In case of colic, stop all consumption of dairy products and foods rich in dietary fiber, such as:

  • ice cream;
  • different types of cabbage;
  • Milk ;
  • fresh fruit;
  • dry vegetables…

To reduce abdominal cramps and avoid gas, also pause your tea or coffee consumption. Drink, instead, about two liters of water a day.

Foods to Avoid for Constipation

When taking chemotherapy-related drugs causes constipation, laxatives may be prescribed. The elimination of the consumption of certain foods can then accelerate the disappearance of the discomfort felt and above all, make it last.

Here are the foods to avoid treating constipation during chemo : fermented cheeses, smoked fish, refined cereals, foods that are too sweet, pulses, vegetables likely to cause gas and finally, bananas.

Acidic foods to avoid during cancer treatment

Did you know ? Chemotherapy treatment can lead to inflammation of the mouth, throat and even the appearance of mouth ulcers or infections. When such symptoms appear, the consumption of acidic foods and cooked cheeses should be avoided, such as:

  • the vinaigrette;
  • spices ;
  • citrus fruits and all other acidic fruits;
  • Gruyere ;
  • pineapple;
  • parmesan cheese;
  • nuts…

Smoked foods, very salty dishes and hard-to-chew preparations should also be avoided. Food that is lukewarm, lightly seasoned and of a soft consistency will be easier to ingest in case of an inflamed mouth or throat.

Foods allowed during chemotherapy

Beyond the foods recommended and not recommended as part of cancer treatment, each patient must above all take care to limit their weight loss.

Do not hesitate, under the advice of your doctor and your dietician, to eat foods that you like, that you digest easily, that support your energy expenditure and that allow you to maintain your appetite throughout chemotherapy.

Some healthy foods to consume regularly: fruits and vegetables, water, good fats, cereals, starches, etc.

Article produced in partnership with the site “Against cancer, we team up”.

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