Cancer and hereditary risk: talk about it!

Cancer and hereditary risk talk about it

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    Some cancers, such as breast and ovary in women or pancreas, breast and prostate in men, develop due to genetic predispositions that are hereditary. Faced with the difficulty of talking about it, the pharmaceutical companies Astra Zeneca and MSD France are launching the 2nd edition of the #BRCAJenParle campaign

    In conjunction with three patient associations – BRCA France, IMAGYN and GénétiCancer, the pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and MSD France are launching the 2and edition of the information and awareness campaign around hereditary cancers called #BRCAJenParle

    BRCA, what is it?

    The BRCA gene mutation (for BReast CAncer, or breast cancer in English) is responsible for alterations in the functioning of the cell, which favor its transformation into a cancerous cell.

    When a person has these mutations in their genome, they have a greater risk than the general population of developing cancer. This is called genetic predisposition. This predisposition can most often be inherited from one of the two parents and could, perhaps, be passed on to their children.

    In total, more than 80 cancer predisposition genes have been identified, including the BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 genes.

    Feeling of guilt

    In the event of transmission to his offspring, there is a one in two risk that the child will inherit the risk factor. Thus, 5 to 10% of cancers diagnosed are linked to the presence of genetic alterations transmissible to offspring.

    Parents who pass on this risk to their child may feel guilty and find it difficult to express themselves on the subject, the #BRCAJenParle campaign, via posters and podcasts, is there to help them lift this taboo and free up speech on the subject to allow an early diagnosis in the event of cancer and to warn the persons concerned.

    Information to share with loved ones

    Specialists encourage families to talk about the subject. “We realized that some relatives do not receive the information, which is lost with the distance between generations, this has been demonstrated in our studies and is also evident in practice. The further the relatives are – in terms of family distance – from the person to whom the result is returned, the less likely they are to receive the information. It is a point of vigilance, and a point of improvement. This second awareness campaign is very useful to remind people of the importance of discussing this subject with those close to them.” recalls Pr Pascal Pujol, head of the oncogenetics department of Montpellier University Hospital and founding member of the BRCA France association.

    Genetic testing, important tools…

    About 2 women out of 1000 would present a mutation of certain genes which increase the risk of breast or ovarian cancer, before the age of 40. Among the 80 genes identified, 13 are predisposing factors for these two types of cancer. It should also be remembered that female cancers (breast, uterus and ovary) affect 70,000 women each year.

    Genetic tests can be offered to women who have a family history that may suggest a hereditary form or if their cancer appears at an early age.

    … handle with care

    However, these genetic screening tests should be handled with caution. Indeed, being a carrier of an alteration does not mean that one will automatically develop cancer, but that the risk is increased for oneself or even other members of one’s family.

    Conversely, a negative result does not rule out all risks: a mutation may not be detected by current techniques, or a genetic anomaly may not yet be known. However, they remain essential in certain cases, as Professor Pujol reminds us: It is “It is now unthinkable to treat breast and ovarian cancers without information on the BRCA1 and 2 and HRD genes for ovarian cancers”. Because these cancers have recently benefited from targeted therapies that reduce the need for chemotherapy or the risk of recurrence.
