Canan Karatay got very angry: Eat 10 a day!

Canan Karatay got very angry Eat 10 a day

prof. Dr. Canan Karatay has been on the agenda with her groundbreaking statements for years. Known for her opposition to obesity, Canan Karatay emphasizes the importance of natural nutrition at every opportunity. Internal medicine specialist Prof. Dr. This time, Canan Karatay attracted attention with what she said in a program she attended on YouTube. This time, Karatay offered suggestions about eggs, which he called ‘super food’, and stated that 10 eggs should be eaten a day. So, how should eggs be consumed according to Karatay? Does egg raise cholesterol? What vitamins and minerals are in eggs? Here are suggestions from Canan Karatay on the subject…


Karatay said, “Eggs are almost ‘superfoods.’ But it will be free range chicken eggs. The Chinese have been eating 10 eggs a day for centuries. It is also very useful for pregnant women and postpartum women. Its contribution to the development of the baby is great. Egg white and yolk are also very beneficial. We, as doctors, cannot prohibit this,” he said.


Stating that eggs should not be boiled too much, Karatay offered the following suggestions for consumption:


“The area around the egg yolk should not be gray from cooking. Because at that point, the protein is degraded. Frying eggs in too much oil is also dangerous. You can eat soft-boiled, apricot-like, or butter-cooked eggs with peace of mind. Then you don’t need bread, you won’t be hungry, you will be surprised that you are not even hungry.”


Stating that eggs also reduce sugar, Karatay continued his words as follows:

“Eggs were not given to diabetics for years, but I do. Eggs are not recommended for diabetics as they raise cholesterol, but the diabetic already has high cholesterol. This happens not because of the egg, but because of the metabolic disorder. High cholesterol is not as dangerous as it seems. Cholesterol rises to overcome the toxins accumulated in the body.”


Stating that egg yolk and white contain many vitamins and minerals, the famous professor said:

“There are 9 amino acids in the egg white. Amino acid is the main ingredient of proteins. Egg yolk contains vitamins A, D, E, K and folic acid, omega-3 and omega-6 minerals. Eggs contain a substance called ‘choline’, which stimulates the brain. It is impossible to ban such a beneficial superfood!”



Stating that a person can eat 10 eggs a day with peace of mind, Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay, “Egg raises cholesterol etc. People have been brainwashed for years, of course, people are right. Eat 3 in the morning. Employees should boil it and take it with them, and consume 3 pieces around noon. In the evening, if your pocket is available, you can enjoy your eggs with bacon.”
