Canan Karatay gave the formula not to be sick!

Canan Karatay gave the formula not to be sick

prof. Dr. Canan Karatay, “How can we be protected from viruses and bacteria?” He answered the question in his new book ‘The Word of Karatay’. Emphasizing that protection from viruses and bacteria is not as difficult as it seems, Heart and Internal Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay says we should never be afraid of them. At this point, he draws attention to the importance of a strong immunity. ‘We all need immune armor from 7 to 70. Karatay, who said, “We must keep our immunity strong all the time,” explained the ways to increase body resistance in a natural way and the secrets of healthy life as follows…


Canan Karatay said the following about protection methods for viruses and bacteria:

Our mouth, nose and throat are the entrance gates for viruses and bacteria, which settle in the respiratory tract and cause respiratory tract infections, cause nasal congestion, runny nose, dry cough and fever, which we call tickling. The ports where viruses and bacteria first anchor are the cells we call the mucous membrane that covers the inner surfaces of our mouth, nose and throat.

Especially when viruses enter these cells, which we call mucous membranes, they can multiply and survive. By feeding on the elements inside our cells, they increase in number and become stronger. Of course, this period does not occur immediately. After entering the cell, 3-4 days must pass. In order for them to gain strength and to mix with the blood circulation and to cause complaints such as fatigue and fever in the general body… Here, viruses and bacteria are prevented from multiplying and It is the alkalinity of our cells, as I explained earlier, that prevents it. It is extremely important to make our cells completely alkaline by raising the pH value.


If we wash our mouth, nose and throat mucosa with drinkable carbonated water, sniff, gargle, and even brush our teeth with bicarbonate water, we will prevent the proliferation and reproduction of viruses and bacteria in the ports they first enter. So we stay healthy and we don’t get sick. If we take and apply the necessary precautions as I explained, we do not need to be afraid of viruses and bacteria, we should be comfortable!!! This is how we can live together with viruses and bacteria as friends. I say let’s not give visas to the empire of fear and panic attacks.


Canan Karatay stated that doctors should wear masks regarding the use of masks, which has been the subject of discussions for a while.


In the continuation of Canan Karatay’s words; “Viruses and bacteria are microscopic creatures. Their size is about 15-20 microns. The hole size of the most effective surgical masks is about 200 microns. In this context, can you decide whether the masks are protective or not? The most real and most effective mask is to frequently rinse our mouth and nose with salt, bicarbonate water, wash and brush our teeth, and of course, wash our face!” he said.
