Canadian Border-City Mayors Call for Help For Duty-Free Shops

Canadian Border City Mayors Call for Help For Duty Free Shops

Canadian Border Mayors are Calling for Federal and Provincial Government Support for Duty-Free Stores Amid Fewer Cross-Border Travelers.

Canadian Border Mayors are Calling for Federal and Provincial Government Support for Duty-Free Stores Amid Fewer Cross-Border Travelers.

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“The Traffic Flow Already has decreased substantially and you can see the mood in the communities where they just do not need to go back and fortth across the border,” Said Woodstock, Nb, Mayor Trina Jones.

That’s starch the on-again-off-offs from us pre-presider Donald Trump and Canada’s Response in an Ongoing Trade War, She Said, and Widespread Récénce to Visit and Shop in the United States.

“Everybody Just Feels they in a Standstill,” Jones Said.

She and other mayors from Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba and British Columbia, With The Border Mayors Alliance, Made a Plea for Help Friday.

“The Duty Free Stores and Border Communities Specifically Need Direct Support to Deal With What’s Happening,” Said Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley, Whose Community Borders Port Huron, Mich.

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“We feel the bread and we are on the front line.”

The Alliance of Canadian Border-ToWN Mayors was formed LAST LAST YEAR IN TRADE TO TRADE THREATS from TRUMP.

The Same Shops That Were Hit Hard Economically During Covid-19 Shutdowns and Received Subsidies to Keep People Working and the Lights On Need Similar Financial Support To Keep Going, Said Barbara Barrett, Executive Director With the Frontier Duty Free Association That Reprints 32 Land Border and 20 Airport rentals.

“We are look for support in.. Whatever forms,” Barrett Said.

“Financial support WOULD BE IDEAL.”

Officials with the Border Mayors Alliance and Frontier Duty Free Association Called Friday for Federal and Provincial Aid for Duty-Free Stores. (Screenshot)

Cam Bissonette, Owner of Osoyoos Duty Free in the 5.500-Population Municipality Along the British Columbia Border with Washington State, Said Sales Dipped 90 to 95 per cent for Two Years During the Pandemic.

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Meanwhile, One Day Last Week, The Shop Actually Finized The Day Negative $ 67 after there was a return, he said.

“That’s how to say it is.”

He’s Still Paying Back Some of the Subsidy Money He Received During the Pandemic, has used His Savings to Keep the Shop Going, and Works Real Estate and Finance in Kelowna, Without Taking A Paycheque Sale June from the Duty-free shop, he said.

“WE’RE SURVIVORS,” He Said About the Shops, noting 25 to 30 per cent of Members in the Association Said in a recent survey they are concerned thaty’ll still be open in six months.

“Right now, it really feels like we are hostage in Economic Warfare,” Bissonette Said, Noting Duty Free Shops Can’t Pivot and Sell Their Products Elsewher.

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“We not look for a lot of money,” he Said. “We Just Want to Be Able to Stay Solvent.”

Interprotrovincial Trade Barriers Should be reduced Immediately, and “Targeted Financial Assistance for Impact Businesses” is Needed, Said Niagara-On-The-Lake Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa, Notting 1,700 Jobs in That Community Could Be Impact.

Several Businesses Rely on Us Imports for Things Such As Fruit Packaging, He Said.

“We need incentive for those business to start exploring non-us supply chains.”

Expect a “full short press” after the looming canadian election, Bradley Said.

“Whover the government is, we’ll be Making Our Case Specifically for Border Communities.”

New Brunswick Mayors NOVE They have seen Much Hostility Toward Visiting Americans, but there’s wariness about the potential.

Fort Erie, have., Mayor Wayne Redekop Called for nuance.

“We Want Our American Neighbours to come and Visit,” He Said.

“We want our residents to be courteous and not get taken up with the rhetoric that’s coming out of the white house.

“But we are Canadians,” He Said.

“We do not have to like what’s coming out of Washington (DC), but i think we need to make sure we focus on the administration and not needed the people of the united state.

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