Can you “vaccinate” for pets? It applies

Can you vaccinate for pets It applies

When children under the age of 12 are sick at home, the parent is also sick, and reports vab to Försäkringskassan. At the same time, a new question has been raised – what about when the pet gets sick?

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Pet owners: Taking care of animals is just as important as taking care of children

Pets are increasingly considered a natural part of the family. According to a survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Hedvig Djurförsäkring, as many as 80 percent of pet owners think that a pet’s needs should be valued as highly as those of other family members.

A cat. Photo: Bo Jansson/STELLA Pictures.

At the same time, 75 percent of Swedish pet owners think it is just as important to take care of a sick pet as a sick child.

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Vab for pets? It applies

Of the pet owners surveyed, almost half felt that they had at some point had to leave a pet at home even though it needed care.

Rabbit in arms. Photo: Mickan Mörk / TT.

However, there is no “care of pets” like there is “care of children” – vab.

– There is no right to be home from work when a pet is sick, says Matho Randall Svahn from the union Vision, to P4 Gothenburg.

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However, the union does not see any pressure from the members to introduce this type of VAB and therefore it may take some time before and if it were to be introduced. But the question seems to be strong among pet owners.

Child with tablet and dog on sofa. Photo: Fotograferna Holmberg / TT.

According to The Ipsos survey a full 64 percent would consider changing jobs if another employer offered better opportunities for the owner to take care of their pet. At the same time, 63 percent have already been absent from work because of a sick pet at home.

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This is what you can do as a pet owner

However, what you can do as the owner of a sick animal is to talk to your employer, says Randall Svahn. You can either ask to work from home, to take leave or to take a vacation at short notice.

However, since there is no kind of vab currently available for pets, the employer does not have to agree to this.
