Can you stop and park on the main road? Here is the answer

Can you stop and park on the main road Here

Main roads are common in Sweden, and the chances are that you will drive on one during some part of most car journeys you undertake.

Keeping track of what applies to these is therefore of the utmost importance.

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What is a main joint?

A main road is a road where everyone driving on the road has priority over those who have to turn into the road.

A main trail is marked with a sign where it begins, as well as with signs after each intersection where it is not clear in any other way that the main trail continues.

The sign is a yellow square that is set on top, with a white-black frame.

This sign signals the end of a main trail – Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The main trail ends when there is an end marker posted on the side of the road. The end mark looks like a regular main joint mark, but with a black line diagonally across its center.

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Can you park on a main road?

The simple answer to the question of whether it is allowed to park on a main thoroughfare is no.

Parking on a main thoroughfare makes it difficult for other road users, and whoever does this risks being fined.

It is, however, permitted to stop on a main road, as long as you do not obstruct or pose a danger to other road users. Stopping to drop off or pick up a passenger is thus okay.

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The exception: Then it is permitted to park on the main road

There is, however, an exception to the basic rule that there is a parking ban on main thoroughfares.

The exception is the cases where there is a parking sign below the main road sign. Then it is permitted to park on the road.

If there are marked parking spaces adjacent to a parking sign on a main road, it is also okay to park.

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