Can you spot the best games on Steam by just one screenshot?

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Do you know your way around Steam and can you guess the top games on the platform based on a single screenshot? Prove your skills in our quiz!

The Steam platform provides gamers with a huge selection of games. A first indicator of whether a game is good or not is often provided by reviews from other users.

A ranking of the best games on Steam can be compiled from the user ratings. Among them are some big game titles, but also some less well-known games.

The quiz originally appeared in October 2022.

What is the criteria for “Best Game” on Steam? There is an algorithm on that calculates the ranking for the “Top Rated Games on Steam” (i.e. the best rated games on Steam) and creates a corresponding list (list and user ratings as of October 13, 2022).

The positive and negative reviews are included in the assessment. The total number of ratings given also has an impact on how the game performs in the rating at the end.

If you are interested, you can read the blog post here with a detailed explanation of how it all works.

Don’t worry! You don’t need a calculator or mathematical knowledge for the quiz, just your gaming knowledge. Because you have to recognize which top games the screenshots come from.

How the quiz works: You can see 10 different screenshots from the top 10 Steam games with the best user score on the platform. You then have to choose the correct title from the 4 possible answers.

Sounds easy at first, but of course we don’t make it too easy for you: Sometimes games look quite similar and you have to take a closer look at one or the other screenshot.

You will know some of the games very well, but there are also less well-known titles in the top list.

Have fun with the quiz!

How many Steam games could you guess from a screenshot? Which titles did you find particularly difficult and which games did you realize were among the top games on Steam?

Write it to us in the comments.

If this Steam quiz was way too easy for you, we have another challenge for the veteran gamers among you here in the professional quiz:

Test your knowledge of MMORPGs in our professional quiz
