Can you quit smoking with acupuncture? How is smoking cessation treatment done with acupuncture?

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As with any health practice, there is a possibility of negative effects for acupuncture. For the effects that may vary according to the body of the people, care should be taken, especially for expectant mothers, people with chronic diseases and those with allergic conditions. This practice, which can be done in centers approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey in our country, should be carried out by people who are experts in this field and have official approval. Otherwise, it can cause serious health problems. The acupuncture application, which has been used for hundreds of years, is used for problems such as low back pain, neck pain, back pain and migraine with the guidance of a doctor who is an expert in the field. It is also applied by supporting with a diet to lose weight. Some people also use this method to quit smoking.

Is it possible to quit smoking with acupuncture?

It is very difficult to quit smoking, which is known to be very harmful for human health. There are different methods developed to get rid of smoking addiction. One of these methods is the application of acupuncture. Acupuncture is one of the methods that can be used for smoking cessation. It is a method that can be applied upon the recommendation of a doctor, if there is no inconvenience for the person.

Acupuncture and smoking cessation method, which has been accepted as a tradition worldwide for centuries, aims to get rid of the negative effects of smoking on the body. It is known that nicotine, which enters the body with cigarettes, causes the endorphin-releasing receptors in the brain, also known as nerve endings, to stop. It has been accepted that acupuncture treatment applied after not smoking for a while gives results between seven and ten days.

How to quit smoking with acupuncture?

In order to quit smoking, people must first be determined. If the acupuncture method is to be applied based on the doctor’s vote, all the directions of the specialist should be followed exactly. Smoking cessation treatment with acupuncture can be given to a non-smoker in about ten to twelve hours. Generally, two sessions are considered sufficient. However, this may vary depending on the intensity of the person’s smoking habit. Smoking cessation method with acupuncture is applied with the following steps:

  • In the acupuncture method, which is performed by a specialist in this field in a center approved by the Ministry of Health, the ear region and the whole body are treated in general.
  • The acupuncture area and points of the person to be treated are determined, and disposable very thin needles are inserted into the determined area.
  • Extremely fine needles, steel, silver or gold, remain inserted for about half an hour. In some cases, the needles are heated or moved if necessary.
  • Laser acupuncture method can be applied for people who have needle phobia and do not want to use needles during the treatment process. This method is also an effective method to quit smoking. In this method, known as laser acupuncture, laser beams replace needles. Stimulation is provided in the area with the laser light given to the determined points.
  • During one week after the application, if the specialist doctor does not recommend otherwise, tea or coffee should not be drunk or should be reduced to the minimum possible level.
  • During this treatment period, alcohol should not be consumed and fluid intake should be increased.
