Can you marry your sibling? Then it’s legal

Can you marry your sibling Then its legal

Fewer and fewer Swedes are getting married. Last year there were 44,190 weddings in Sweden, which is the lowest number in 20 years, reports Central Bureau of Statistics.

Meanwhile, divorce statistics are high and low at their peak in 2020 when over 25,000 divorces went through. The figure for last year was roughly 21,000 divorces.

The rules for getting married

In Sweden, there are three requirements to be able to enter into a marriage with someone, according to Tax Agency. The requirements for getting married are as follows:

  • You must be 18 years old.
  • The people who marry must not be close relatives.
  • You may not be married to someone else at the same time.
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    Can you marry your sibling?

    According to the Swedish Tax Agency, you may not marry your parent or your child. It is also not legal to marry a full sibling.

    But if you want to marry a half-sibling or an adopted sibling, you are free to apply for a permit for that.

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    Happened to marry his cousin

    It sometimes happens that couples marry without knowing that they are related. The couple Tylee and Nick Waters discovered in 2023 that they were cousins ​​and by then they had already been married for three years. They shared the discovery on Tiktok and the clip received 6.4 million views.


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