Can you lose weight with the egg diet? How to do an egg diet?

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The egg diet is usually followed for a specific period of time, such as a week or ten days. One of its basic principles is to maintain a low-calorie, high-protein diet. This diet generally emphasizes egg consumption during the day and limits other foods. Eggs can increase the feeling of fullness and speed up metabolism thanks to the high protein level they contain. At the same time, it can help meet the body’s daily nutritional needs with the B vitamins, iron and various minerals it contains. The egg diet takes a low-carb, low-calorie approach while also including healthy fats and fibrous vegetables.

What is the egg diet?

Egg diet is a nutritional approach that aims to support weight loss and determines eggs as the main nutritional source. This diet, usually designed for the short term, emphasizes the healthy protein, vitamin and mineral content of eggs. Basic principles of the egg diet:

  • Eggs contain high quality protein. This diet aims to increase protein intake. Protein can increase the feeling of fullness and speed up metabolism.
  • The egg diet generally focuses on low carbohydrate content. Carbohydrate intake is limited and this aims to promote weight loss by increasing the body’s fat burning.
  • The egg diet can also include healthy fats and fibrous vegetables. This is important to ensure a balanced diet and meet the body’s basic nutritional needs.
  • The egg diet usually involves limited calorie intake. This aims to support weight loss by lowering energy intake. However, it should be noted that very low-calorie diets can cause long-term health problems.

The egg diet is usually followed for a specific period of time, usually a short-term period such as a week or ten days. During this period, the aim is to limit certain foods and consume eggs extensively.

How to do an egg diet?

The egg diet is a protein-rich diet that restricts calorie intake to help you lose weight. This diet contains an average of 1200 calories per day. The egg diet consists of the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Boiled egg stage At this stage, only boiled eggs are consumed. Boiled eggs are rich in protein and help you stay full. The boiled egg stage lasts for the first 7 days.
  • Stage 2: Protein stage At this stage, protein sources are consumed. Protein helps you stay full and supports weight loss. The protein phase lasts 14 days.
  • Phase 3: Fixation phase In this phase, you adapt your diet to your normal lifestyle. This phase continues indefinitely.

3 day egg diet

The 3-day egg diet contains an average of 1200 calories per day and will help you lose weight by restricting calorie intake and including protein-rich foods:

1 day

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice of bread
  • Lunch: 150 grams of lean chicken breast, vegetable salad
  • Dinner: 200 grams of lean fish, vegetable soup

2 days

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1 bowl of yoghurt
  • Lunch: 1 bowl of soup, 100 grams of fat-free cheese
  • Dinner: 2 omelettes, vegetable salad

3 days

  • Breakfast: 2 omelettes, 1 glass of milk
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 1 handful of hazelnuts
  • Dinner: 150 grams of lean red meat, vegetable salad

This diet includes healthy foods such as eggs, lean protein sources, vegetables and fruits. However, since it restricts calorie intake, it is important to consult a doctor or dietitian before following this diet.

Is the egg diet harmful?

Following short-term, limited-calorie diets that focus on a specific food group, such as the egg diet, may have some potential harms. Because the egg diet is based on just one food group, eggs, it may be lacking in providing other nutrients the body needs. This can lead to vitamin, mineral and fiber deficiencies. The egg diet generally involves a low-calorie, low-carb approach. These types of low-calorie diets have low long-term sustainability, and healthy weight control can be difficult in the long term.

Following a low-calorie diet for a long time can cause the body’s metabolic rate to slow down. This can have a negative impact by stalling weight loss and making weight loss efforts difficult. On limited-calorie diets, the body may use muscle tissues to provide energy. This can lead to weakness, lack of energy, and long-term health problems. The egg diet often contains high amounts of cholesterol. For some people, high cholesterol levels can affect heart health. However, the relationship between egg consumption and cholesterol is complex and each individual’s situation is different.

Can you lose weight with the egg diet?

“How many kilos can be lost in 1 week with the egg diet?” We can give the following answer: The diet applied for 7 days can make you lose 5 to 7 kilos in this process. Short-term weight loss may occur when following the egg diet. However, most of this weight loss is usually due to water loss and does not represent fat loss. The low-calorie and low-carbohydrate nutrition plan included in the egg diet can cause rapid weight loss due to water weight in the body. Short-term diet programs such as the egg diet are often used to kick-start the weight loss process, but long-term success and healthy weight control are usually achieved through balanced nutrition and lifestyle changes.
