Many drivers dress warmly when it’s cold, but can you wear everything without risking a fine?
Are we allowed to drive in flip-flops, flip-flops or even barefoot? Many people ask this question in the summer when temperatures are warm and it is more comfortable and quicker to put on open shoes before getting behind the wheel. Winter is a different story, but here too motorists dress according to the weather conditions. And when the mercury flirts with 0, the temperature inside the car is rarely much higher than that outside. This is why it is not uncommon to keep your big coat, your scarf, your gloves and your hat when setting off on the road.
Have you ever wondered if driving in your winter clothes is wrong? Probably not, and yet the police do have the possibility of arresting a motorist if they consider that the clothes he is wearing risk hindering him from driving his vehicle in complete safety. The police can in fact rely on an article of the Highway Code, R412-6, which stipulates that “all drivers must be constantly in a condition and in a position to carry out conveniently and without delay all the maneuvers incumbent on them .”

The question is therefore what clothing can impair our ability to perform certain maneuvers correctly and quickly. There are a few, starting with wearing a big coat, like a down jacket. Although useful for protecting yourself from the cold, down jackets are however not practical for making large movements. This can pose a problem in a situation which would require you to quickly turn the steering wheel, to avoid an obstacle on the road for example. Gloves, if they are thick or slippery, are also not suitable for driving, the driver may lack feeling with the steering wheel and in the worst case lose control of their car.
It’s the same thing for the feet, it’s better to avoid shoes with thick soles, like big boots, to feel maximum contact with the pedals. Generally speaking, it is recommended to drive while feeling as free as possible in your movements. It’s about your safety first, but also your wallet. Few people know it, but the police have the power to fine a motorist if they consider that his clothing is not suitable for driving. The fine is 35 euros, the price of a good pair of gloves.