Can Valérie Pécresse take flight?

Can Valerie Pecresse take flight

Catastrophic », « A shipwreck “. Many comments are scathing the day after Valérie Pécresse’s first big meeting, less than two months before the presidential election. 7,000 people gathered at the Zénith de Paris in the hope of finally seeing the campaign of the candidate of the Les Républicains party, who remains stuck in the polls, take off.

Was this meeting a turning point? What line should Valérie Pécresse embody to hope to relaunch her campaign? Does she remain the only alternative to a re-election of Emmanuel Macron?

To discuss it :

– Emilien Houard-Vialpolitical scientist, specialist in the French right, teacher at Sciences Po Paris and doctoral student at the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics of Sciences Po

-Lucile Gimbergjournalist in the political department of RFI

– Gilles Richard, professor emeritus of contemporary history at the University of Rennes-II, president of the French Society of Political History and author of the book ” The rights in France », Editions Perrin.
