Can Trump run for president again? Researcher: “The entire US system is being tested” | Foreign countries

Can Trump run for president again Researcher The entire US

In the United States, more uncertain elections are coming than ever, says Professor of North American Studies Benita Heiskanen to .

In the United States, the Supreme Court of the state of Colorado has decided that the former president of the country cannot Donald Trump be eligible for election due to the 2021 congressional invasion.

The court’s justices ruled 4-3 that Trump must be removed from the state’s ballot for the 2024 election.

The decision of the Colorado Supreme Court will take effect on January 4, 2024. Trump immediately announced that he would appeal the decision to the US Supreme Court.

Tuesday’s ruling will apply only in Colorado. Similar companies have been seen in other states before. However, in New Hampshire, Minnesota and Michigan, the repeal of Trump’s candidacy failed.

Colorado Supreme Court justices told the broadcaster the BBC according to that the decision was not made on the basis of hasty reasons.

What does the Colorado decision say?

Professor of North American Studies at the University of Turku Benita Heiskanen according to the situation in the United States is very atypical. It is even more difficult to predict the outcome of the elections.
According to Heiskanen, the decision issued by the Colorado Supreme Court is significant.

– This is a historic and far-reaching decision that will test the entire US system. The elections are more uncertain now than ever, Heiskanen tells .

According to him, nothing can be predicted about the outcome of the elections yet. In various states, Trump’s eligibility and the constitution are open to interpretation, but the Supreme Court must make the final decision.

– The situation is now very atypical and unpredictable, and this is by no means an easy pattern. This is a big principled decision, and I don’t think legal scholars will agree on this, says Heiskanen.

The US presidential primaries will be held in the first half of next year. The presidential election itself will be held in November next year.

“Trump incited his supporters to attack”

The US Congress building was seized on January 6, 2021. The purpose of the seizure was to prevent the confirmation of the result of the presidential election and to keep Trump, who lost the election, in power.

The Democratic-led committee of the House of Representatives, which investigated the power, considered Trump to be responsible for the violence and recommended that charges be brought against him for, among other things, inciting a rebellion.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision states that Trump not only incited his supporters to take over Congress, but continued it amid the attack.

The verdicts on the attack on the US Congress have had no effect on Trump’s popularity.

See in the video how the attackers took over Congress in the epiphany of 2021.

What thoughts does the article evoke? You can discuss the topic until Thursday at 11 p.m.
