Can the attack on Donald Trump weaken or strengthen the candidate’s mental strength? Our psychologist’s opinion

Can the attack on Donald Trump weaken or strengthen the

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical Psychologist)

    After being the victim of an assassination attempt on Saturday during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, candidate Donald Trump gave an interview the very next day, stating that he was lucky to be alive. But what is the impact of such a personal attack? And how do you move forward after such an act? We asked clinical psychologist Amélie Boukhobza.

    “I should be dead.” This sentence is that of the former American president Donald Trump, visibly combative, in the columns of the New York Postjust 24 hours after being fatally shot.

    Donald Trump considers himself a miracle worker

    On Saturday, during a rally in Pennsylvania concerning his inauguration, the candidate was targeted by a lone assailant who slipped through the security net. Hit in the right ear, his cheek bleeding, he avoided death by just a few centimeters, before being evacuated by his guard.

    Two people were injured and another died in the shooting. The assailant, a 20-year-old man, was shot dead. A chaotic situation, which could traumatize the candidate as well as his audience. But in the first seconds, as in the aftermath of the attack, Donald Trump appeared more combative than ever.

    The doctor at the hospital said he had never seen anything like it, he called it a miracle.” he conceded to the New York daily.

    The last image the day before showed him with a fist raised in anger towards his activists.

    Can we recover so quickly from an attack?

    While some people fear seeing a weakened candidate, others, on the contrary, are already banking on an experience that will strengthen the Republican’s aura. What are the possible outcomes when you have brushed with death and when the attack was so personal? For Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist, it is difficult to know in advance what the direct consequences will be.

    “When a person experiences an assault, psychological and emotional reactions can vary considerably from one individual to another. Some will resume their lives after a certain period of time, while others can be deeply affected and traumatized.”

    There is no one right way to respond to this, but the answer will come from several factors that influence how someone recovers from this traumatic experience.

    A classic process, followed by various reactions

    The recovery process often follows a classic pattern.

    “First there is the immediate impact: just after the attack, the state of shock can be more or less intense, with an inability to believe what has happened. Fear, anger, sadness andanxiety are common responses and can be more or less difficult to manage.”

    But over time, the person begins to integrate the experience and adapt their behaviors and thoughts to cope with it.”Support from family, friends or professionals is crucial. Belief, for example, telling yourself that you have been protected, can also help. Talking about the experience and receiving help can facilitate the healing process.” Which seems to be the case with Donald Trump.

    Finally, the ability to remain effective in one’s professional or personal activities after an assault depends on many factors:

    • There resilience individual: the ability to bounce back quickly;
    • Access to resources: Therapy, social support, and other help can speed recovery.

    Yes, aggression can also strengthen Donald Trump’s convictions.

    It is strange, however, to see a man resume his tour as if nothing had happened in such a short time, as soon as the terrorist has been neutralized. However, this does not surprise our expert.

    “Attack can also impact beliefs. For some, the assault can reinforce their beliefs and values, pushing them to commit more to their beliefs. This can be a way of regaining control and making sense of the experience. For others, they may also feel the need to re-evaluate their values ​​and beliefs in light of what they have experienced.”

    For Donald Trump, the first solution seems to be the closest to reality so far. The man is currently on his way to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for another Republican convention, even before his ear is healed.
