Can Season 2 convince the otherwise bad-tempered community?

The second season of Diablo 4 has started. The players who have been there since the early hours of the season share their first impressions.

Diablo 4 has received a lot of criticism in the past, but with the start of Season 2 there is hope that this critical mood in the community could finally change.

But the start of the second season on October 17 was not entirely smooth, and the developers had to deal with difficulties that resulted in the launch being delayed by two hours.

The postponement of the start of the season caused some unrest among players, but when the servers finally started up, many players expressed positive opinions about the changes in Diablo 4 – even if the game still has to contend with many bugs.

Players are excited about the changes

What do the players say about the new season? Players express their opinions on Diablo 4 Season 2 and are mostly pleasantly surprised by the latest developments in the game.

The reworked mount mechanics in particular received a lot of praise, and it seems as if these changes have largely lived up to player expectations.

A player named ethan1203 shares his positive impressions on Reddit and emphasizes:

I feel like I’m flying across the map. What I like best now is the feeling when you jump off the horse into an event with the dismount attack. I didn’t get caught on a pebble or twig once tonight, and the barrier break mechanic works great and looks epic. […]

ethan1203 via Reddit

Other players are also excited about the new changes in Diablo 4 and are sharing their opinions on Reddit. We have summarized some comments for you here:

  • A player named Maddstaxx sums up his enthusiasm: 10/10 Patch. Everything about Season 2 feels great. I didn’t expect it to be this good.
  • Gabby_Stx agrees, pointing out, “I’ve earned tons of gold from Whispers, and experience points and gear are coming here smoothly. Good job, Blizzard!”
  • Gabby_Stx also highlights bugs, but still has a lot of fun: Aside from the bugs (which I’m sure will be fixed soon), Season 2 did nothing except make me want to play more. I’m really hopeful for the future of Diablo 4.
  • Pleasestoplyiiing also refers to the mount change (via Reddit): Another cool change is that your horse now pushes enemies – I don’t know if that’s just when sprinting, but it’s super satisfying.
  • MyGoodApollo emphasizes how much more extensive the content of the season is:

    What strikes me most is that the season’s content is much more extensive. There’s so much more to do: leveling up vampire powers, adding an additional Hell Flood, managing the covenants on the items so you can equip the powers you need. There’s real gameplay here, not just the ability to collect extra gems by killing monsters twice.

    MyGoodApollo via Reddit

    Diablo 4 introduces new Season 2, coming this fall – Blood & Vampires

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    In addition to positive comments, the game struggles with bugs

    Many are excited about the innovations and improvements this season has brought with it. However, the game also struggles with bugs. Players have reported various bugs and crash issues.

    Player Rehevkor reports on Reddit that he encounters very frequent crashes when trying to open the map in Diablo 4 – making the gaming experience frustrating and completely unplayable for him.

    MuzzaOCE writes (via Reddit) that the game frequently freezes, stutters and crashes. This would happen when he visits instances or cities.

    Diablo 4 also deactivates crossplay at the start of Season 2 due to technical problems.

    Blizzard has already rolled out a hotfix to address issues with the Battle Pass and season travel (via X). It can be assumed that the other bugs and problems will be fixed soon.

    The gaming community seems more optimistic and confident about Diablo 4 than ever before, and the game’s future looks bright. It remains to be seen how Blizzard responds to player feedback and how the game will develop further.

    Have you already started Season 2? What are your experiences so far? Do you share the enthusiasm or have you had negative experiences so far? Are you perhaps also struggling with bugs? Feel free to write it to us in the comments.

    More about the second season of Diablo 4:

    This is how the 22 vampire powers work in Season 2
