Can pornography influence our sexuality?

Can pornography influence our sexuality

Pornography has existed for a long time, but over the past 20 years, the development of the Internet has made it possible to offer everyone a varied offer, free, fast and available 24 hours a day. Even if moderate use does not seem to have negative effects, sexual practices are impacted and excessive consumption seems to have many repercussions. Beyond adults, surveys show that these practices are frequent among adolescents.

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The pornography designates any raw and concrete representation of the sexuality. It refers to the production and diffusion representations designed to cause sexual arousal. Crossing the ages and civilizations, it is widely disseminated today thanks to the media digital, preferred media. Already, in 2014, 60% of French revealed to have already visited an X site and it seems that cybersex is experiencing a continuous increase. Men are identified as being the biggest consumers even if more and more women are consulting this type of site.

Impact of pornography on sex life

This practice, which has become commonplace, influences behaviors and representations. Total hair removal pubic hairsaesthetics linked touniverse pornographic, is an example and interests 45% of girls under 25. In addition, 47% of French people who had already seen an X movie reproduced the proposed positions (FIFG source).

The question of the harmful effects of the consumption of pornographic content is widely debated by experts. The unrealistic expectations she can set lightthe excessive and instinctive use of cybersex can lead to addiction having deleterious consequences about health. Moreover, the objectification of women and the encouragement of high-risk sexual behaviors as well as the anonymity generated by Internet can blur the line between virtual and reality.

Conversely, some experts shed a different light, relying instead on how it is consumed. Thus, it can generate a space allowing couples to explore together their fantasies erotic or provide an educational dimension for those who have little knowledge of sexual practices and behaviors. In addition, in women, some surveys describe that a higher frequency of pornography use predicted better sexual functioning during masturbation.

Teenage pornography

Like adults, adolescents are greatly exposed to pornography, which they view at younger and younger ages. In fact, X images have become for many a first approach to sexuality. According to the data, 63% of boys and 39% of girls, aged 15-17, have ever surfed porn sites. Almost half of them (vs. 37% of girls) consider that pornography has contributed to learning about their sexuality and 20% have tried to reproduce the scenes proposed (FIFG source). Some studies show that they regard it as banal and that they develop a critical judgment in relation to the practices observed.

The concept of sex and sexuality is changing rapidly. Pornography use seems to have normalized today and its influence on our sex life seems undeniable.

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