Can I grow carrots in a pot?

Can I grow carrots in a pot

You know the culture of carrots, root vegetables in the vegetable garden, but do you know the culture of carrots in containers when there is a lack of space. Whether on a balcony or a terrace, carrots can be grown in pots, but under what conditions?

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Of easy culture, the carrots adapt perfectly to pot culture, by choosing the right size of the pot, the soil, the exposure of the pot, the varieties to be cultivated, and by following our advice.

In what kind of pot?

The carrot can have a large root, depending on the variety, so plan a deep pot, at least 30 centimeters. The larger the diameter, the more carrots you can grow. The planter, the small vegetable plot and the container can also accommodate the roots. Make sure that the container purchased has holes for drainage in the background. Excess water will drain through this hole. For the matter and the colorharmonize it with the rest of your balcony, Terraceor mini city garden.

In what land?

In the vegetable garden, carrots need soil enriched with humus (compost Where manure), well worked to be loose and above all well drained. In a pot, plan a special universal vegetable soil, very rich. For drainage, plan to place in the bottom of the pot, a bed of gravel, sandspebbles or marblesclay to allow excess water to pass. This rich and fine soil is ideal for the proper development of carrot roots.

At what exhibition?

Place the pot in a sunny spot as carrots need heat to develop. Water more often because the soil in a pot tends to dry out faster. If the Sun is hot, shade lightly.

What varieties of carrots to grow in pots?

These vegetables can have more or less deep roots, so choose suitable varieties. In pots, it is better to favor varieties with short roots like ‘Chantenay à coeur rouge’, ‘Short’n Sweet’ or round like ‘Hâtive de Paris’, ‘Marché de Paris’.

When and how to sow carrots in a pot?

Sheltered by a wall or railingplace the pots that will accommodate your seedlings. The first carrots can be sown in February and until June. The best is to draw one or more furrows one centimeter deep. If you make several because the tray is large, space each furrow about 25 centimeters apart. Place the seeds all along the furrow and cover it with soil. With your hand, tamp lightly then water copiously, taking care to put the knob at the end of the watering can to create a fine rain.

How to care for potted carrots?

The watering are important because the soil must remain moist, neither too wet nor too dry. One mulching will be able to retain this necessary humidity. Remove weeds regularly. When the young shoots have two to three leaves, thin them out. It is a question of removing a few carrots to leave only a limited number, which will develop correctly. If you leave too many young shoots, the carrots will be too tight and their diameter will be less.

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