Can I eat prawns when pregnant?

Can I eat prawns when pregnant

Raw prawns are not recommended during pregnancy due to the risk of listeriosis, a dangerous disease for the baby in utero. However, can expectant mothers eat cooked shrimp? The answers of doctor Laurence Plumey, nutritionist.

You love them shrimp and you expect a happy event? You will probably have to do without your cute sin for a few months because, raw, prawns are to be avoided during pregnancy. “Like any raw food, they are not recommended for pregnant women because of the health risk associated with not cooking them. They can indeed carry germs harmful to the fetus (such as salmonella, listeria, E.Coli, etc.)“, explains Dr. Laurence Plumey, mutritionist doctor. Founder of the EPM Nutrition school and Napso-therapy. Shrimp can indeed transmit the listeriosis, a foodborne infection caused by ingesting food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. Rare, it can be serious in pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage, premature delivery, intrauterine death or infection of the baby such as neonatal meningitis.

Pregnant, can I eat cooked prawns?

This is the good news if you like to consume it: you can absolutely enjoy cooked shrimp during pregnancy, especially since they are very interesting at the nutritional level. “When they are cooked, prawns no longer represent any danger provided they are quickly consumed and respect the expiry dates if they are packaged. Like meat or fish, they are an excellent source of protein, iodine, selenium and group B vitamins.says Dr. Plumey.

“When they are cooked, the prawns no longer represent any danger provided they are quickly consumed”.

A very fresh shrimp must be shiny, must not have any odor and its eyes must be black and shiny. When you touch it, it should also be firm and not sticky.

The most common cooking is in water (with mandatory boiling) or in a pan. They must be well cooked, that is to say that the flesh must be firm and very white.“, advises Dr. Plumey. To boil them, immerse them in boiling water then stir until they float either between 2 and 7 minutes depending on their size. You can also sauté them in a pan over medium heat in olive oil for 3 minutes on each side, turning them halfway through cooking.

We know that they are sufficiently cooked when they change color. They become bright pink and their flesh adopts an opaque white.

I ate prawns while pregnant, what should I do?

There is nothing to worry about when they are well cooked“, reassures Dr. Plumey. If you have eaten raw shrimp without knowing that they were not recommended during pregnancy, be attentive to gastric symptoms, but do not worry too much because a single consumption limits the risks. In the event of doubt, do not hesitate to talk to your specialist.
