Camp with a caravan? Don’t forget this

Camp with a caravan Dont forget this

If you sit and plan for a caravan camping summer, it may be good to keep track of the car you are going to go in. A detail you should check extra carefully when inspecting the car.

Many Swedes go to campsites both in Sweden and abroad every summer. Before departure, however, there is one thing that you should keep track of – the gasoline.

When inspecting the motorhome or caravan, it is extra important that the gas is checked, something that P4 Sjuhärad was the first to report on.

Do this before you camp

Previously, there has been a requirement in Sweden that the gas is checked at regular intervals, but since 2009 it is up to the vehicle owner himself to ensure that the gas works properly.

Robert Bäckinspection techniques in Borås, do not pull out to explain what risks there are not to check the gas on a caravan or camper before departure.

– If you are unlucky, you die. An explosive fire in a caravan or camper is very dangerous and you can also suffocate the gas if it can fill the space, he tells the channel.

Requirements for multiple campsites

If that risk does not scare one, it is actually required at several campsites in Sweden that the gas is inspected and approved.

For those who want to camp abroad, it may also be good to know that in Germany there are legal requirements that vehicles have a functioning gas.

– They have introduced those as legal requirements for safety, both for the driver and for those who are near the car, Bäck tells The channel.
