Camera Details of Xiaomi 12S Ultra Revealed

Camera Details of Xiaomi 12S Ultra Revealed

Xiaomi 12S Ultrawere announced as the company’s newest flagship-class devices. Wide circular camera module, One of the highlights of the design was one, but a new disassembly, lwith components located under the nape revealed some interesting details about it.

The video was shot by a YouTuber smashing the flagship smartphone. In the video, the YouTuber reveals that the large camera module “an aesthetic distraction to hide what is underneath” states it might. And after removing the back panel, under the big camera lens triple camera We get a clear view of the installation.

Here your main sensor is not in the middle, on the left We can see it’s in. Also, YouTuber, Xiaomi’s 1-inch sensor size puts his claim to the test. Measured the main image sensor both diagonally and sideways and in both examples the camera is exactly 1 inch away. It turned out to be slightly smaller.

To be fair, the sensor is still larger than any other camera on the smartphone. Also, YouTuber, Xiaomi’s 1 inch it also explains how its size doesn’t make it wrong with its advertising. Apparently, when talking about image sensor sizes, it’s not the physical size being measured. Rather, it’s about the size of the circle that the sensor can fit in.
