Called Canan Karatay: It is a populism movement

Called Canan Karatay It is a populism movement

Canan Karatay’s recent views on veganism continue to echo. A support for Canan Karatay, who said that she cannot live by eating only grains and leaves, came from Yelda Başaran, a specialist psychologist and eating disorders consultant.


Canan Karatay, saying that vegan nutrition shortens lifespan, “25-30 years old children, whose menstrual cycles are disturbed, invite diseases, anemia and immune system problems. They have few sperm. There are people who go through menopause at the age of 30,” he said.


Yelda Başaran, Specialist Psychologist and Eating Disorders Counselor who supports Canan Karatay, said, “I agree with my teacher Canan, she talked about the physiological aspect of the job. As a specialist psychologist and eating disorders consultant, I would like to say; Veganism is a philosophy! It is a populist movement. A philosophy established not to cause pain to animals! So if animals have life, don’t plants have life? Human beings are neither Carnivores nor Herbivores alone! When evaluating a vegan, it is necessary to listen to the traumas in childhood to understand why he chose this type of diet.

“There is no happiness with vegan”

For a healthy and quality life, animal and plant foods should be consumed together and in a balanced way. A lifetime does not pass with only vegetables and legumes, denying meat and fish. Nature has a balance. All kinds of food should be taken in balance. Otherwise, both psychologically and physiologically, eating a Vegan-style uniform in this way disrupts the natural structure of human beings. It influences the mind, spirit and body emotional state. In particular, a body deprived of vitamin B 12 and D enters metabolic stress. Our sense of well-being and our emotions are turned upside down. Eating Vegan so that I can eat healthy is like having a one-sided platonic love. In short; There is no happiness with vegan!

She agrees with my teacher Canan because of her statements on this subject and said, “I applaud her standing up, kissing her hands, for warning the Turkish people.” (News Global)
