Call of Duty Warzone: when to discover the new Warzone Pacific map?

Call of Duty Warzone when to discover the new Warzone

A new year begins for the most famous of Battle Royale. Call of Duty: Warzone is deeply moved by its inclusion in the universe of Call of Duty: Vanguard, with the arrival of a brand new map, Caldera. Date and time of launch, content of the patch … We explain everything to you.

[Mis à jour le 07 décembre 2021 à 18h22] Verdansk is living its last hours. The good old Warzone map has had its day and is withdrawing after more than a year and a half of fighting in its streets and forests. Because the next few hours will be crucial for Warzone, the most popular Battle Royale enters its third year and marks the blow by turning into a new era and a new playground. The coming days indeed mark the launch of Warzone Pacific with the arrival of Caldera, the new map that replaces Verdansk and transports Warzone to the middle of a Pacific Island during WWII. A new season, a new map and an anti-cheat for a size patch that we can decipher in detail.

It is indeed the central pillar of the Warzone Pacific update. Caldera, the new Warzone map is coming in a few hours, on a specific schedule. The preloads of the patch and the map start from Wednesday, December 8 at 6 a.m. (French time). The servers will then be inaccessible during the deployment of Warzone Pacific for 24 hours until Thursday, December 9 at 6 a.m. (French time). On that date, players who own Call of Duty: Vanguard will be able to launch into early access on the beaches of Caldera, while the others will have to wait another 24 hours (Rebirth Island will still be available to everyone during this time). The official launch of Warzone Pacific will therefore take place on Friday, December 10 at 6 a.m. (French time) for all players.

Raven Software and Activision have already released the Warzone Pacific Season 1 Roadmap. A very busy roadmap for a first season which is likely to gather a lot of former players eager for new things (and an anti-cheat!). Indeed, the integration of Warzone in the universe of Vanguard can raise some technical questions, as the project is heavy. This involves transferring Vanguard’s mechanics and graphics engine to the Battle Royale, as well as its assets (weapons, vehicles, buildings, operators). Very heavy changes for players used to Verdansk, since they will have to adapt to a new map, new combat mechanics and much more.

Warzone Pacific season 1 roadmap © Activision

Along with a brand new map, brand new points of interest and a new Gulag, Warzone Pacific has plenty of other surprises in store for us. The appearance of flyable airplanes, for example, a first in a Call of Duty, which will attempt to control the air while avoiding DCA fire on the ground. A transport truck and a jeep join the list of available vehicles, and be aware that the old vehicles will still be present on Caldera. Players will also enjoy new types of contracts and all-new public events that will spice up their games. In addition, the popular Resurgence mode is making a comeback.

On the weapons side, the integration of Vanguard implies the arrival of more than thirty new weapons in the Battle Royale, bringing to more than 150 the number of lethal tools at your disposal. Of course, these new weapons are from WWII, but don’t worry, you can still use your Modern Warfare or Cold War M4 or MP5 in your gear drops. Among the new shooting mechanics that will be found in Warzone Pacific, we should normally discover the cover shooting and the destruction of certain surfaces, two elements introduced in Call of Duty: Vanguard which should join the Battle Royale.

In the Battle Pass, we find this season not three but five completely free weapons, the first three to be unlocked in the Battle Pass for free and the last two to be obtained through challenges or weapon blueprints. These five weapons are none other than the Cooper Carbine assault rifle (to watch out for), the Gorenko semi-automatic sniper (to watch out for), the Sawtooth chainsaw to be unlocked in the Battle Pass and the Welgun submachine gun as well as the Katana to be obtained. by finding weapon blueprints and completing challenges. It should also be noted that Vanguard brings with it the possibility of fixing up to ten accessories on a weapon, we do not yet know how this will impact the weapons of Cold War and Warzone, but this could well completely upset the “metas”.

Big change also on the side of the Gulag, in addition to a new entirely new map, the most famous of the 1 v 1 maps changes its principle a little. If before you came out with a pistol and a few bullets in case of victory, you will now be able to bring back from the Gulag all the equipment that will have been provided to you there, grenades included. This implies that a well-managed Gulag may allow you to return to the game in good spirits, provided that your Gulag has not been played with the Crossbow. A welcome dynamic change that will add some spice and novelty to Warzone.

Through a clear message to the attention of cheaters, Activision made known its detailed objectives regarding the implementation of an anti-cheat in Call of Duty: Vanguard. The good news is that this software will also be included in Warzone’s transition to this new universe. from December 8. Concretely, Vanguard arrives in Warzone and brings with him his anti-cheat, “Ricochet”, which will be one of the pillars of a new era without cheaters for Warzone. This new system will be implemented as soon as Warzone Pacific arrives and will be made up of drivers that will control all applications related to Call of Duty Warzone. Activision specifies that Ricochet will be mandatory to play the game as soon as it is released and that it will only be active during games of Warzone. Of course, this anti-cheat only concerns PC players.

The other central element of Ricochet is also the collection of data, and the communication with the players. It will always be possible to report suspicious behavior in play, an essential action for Activision which considers that the human contribution can help its anti-cheat to evolve over time, in addition to machine-learning which will allow it to constantly adapt its answers to new cheat software. Activision also insists on the protection of accounts, which are too often victims of hacking, to the chagrin of players who sometimes lose accounts sometimes worth several hundred euros. Ricochet will precisely strengthen it, especially if players activate two-factor authentication on the account.
