Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a few months old. You’d think the major bugs by release would have disappeared and only small things would have to be fixed by the team, but that’s not the case. Each update brings worse bugs and players find the game unplayable.
What’s going on with MW2? Modern Warfare 2 is currently in its 3rd mid-season. A total of almost 7 months have passed since the release took place. One would think: enough time to weed out devastating bugs and errors in the game, but that is still not the case.
A lot of serious bugs and errors get entry into Modern Warfare 2 thanks to new patches and these are so devastating that fans don’t want to be confronted with them anymore. An example was shared on Reddit.
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“Guys from AAA Studio. Can’t even test patches anymore”
Which bug is it? Reddit user mactraxer posted a clip of him trying to get into a Modern Warfare 2 match. The lobby has loaded and enough players have been found. Everything seemed to be going well until the fans landed on the map.
Here is the video again about the bug:
Players were now dealing with massive FPS drops and screen flickering, things that have no place in a fast paced PvP shooter like MW2. mactraxer also reports that this bug has only been present since the latest update.
Many Reddit users report similar bugs and also question Infinity Ward’s update policy, because such broken updates have happened before.
What are players saying? Fans in the comments below the Reddit post are upset. They don’t understand how such a large development team as Activision and Infinity Ward can’t test their patches and updates themselves to notice such bugs. Users therefore comment as follows:
One way or another the developers will tackle these bugs, let’s hope that the next patch this time will fix more bugs than implement new ones into the game. Are you affected by such bugs yourself? Let us know in the comments!
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