Call from the USA to Russia: Stop the war immediately

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Blinken, who made an official visit to Morocco, held a joint press conference with his counterpart Nasser Burita in the capital Rabat.
Blinken stated that Russia has treated Ukraine “brutally” until now, “Russia’s attack has displaced half of the Ukrainian children. Now they must immediately end this attack, withdraw their troops and engage in negotiations.” said.

Pointing out that the Ukrainians have the courage to start negotiations even in the shadow of the war, Blinken said, “There is no indication that Russia wants to stop the war at the moment.” used the phrase.

“We’re looking at what Russia does about Ukraine, not what it says.” said the US Secretary of State, accusing Moscow of being behind the suspension of the supply of many products in the world.

Blinken, who attended the Najaf Summit in Israel on 27-28 March as part of his Middle East tour, arrived in Morocco last night.

