In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, the reputation, which Hänrich hurried afterwards, has a direct impact on the game. MeinMMO explains the system and gives us useful tips on how to optimally farm.
What is the call system? Every region that can be explored in medieval Bohemia has its own opinion about you. All NPCs and quests located in this region influence your reputation. You should keep an eye on your reputation because it has a direct impact on dealing with the NPCs with Heinrich.
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This is how the call works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
That means the symbols: For every region and every group of people you have a symbol that symbolizes the amount of your reputation.
White: You have not yet been in this area, or here the group of people do not yet know you.
Jail: You committed crimes and are sought in this region. If you will discover you, you will be arrested.
The smileys are divided into the following gradations:
Red (20-0)
Light red (21-40)
Light orange(61-80)
This is how the symbols look for your reputation.
At the top right of the corner you can see a “reputation” or “improved call” in certain actions or selected dialog options. With this flashing of the symbol, your call will improve or worsen by five points.
To find out exactly how your respective reputation is for individual groups of people, you can check under the menu item “Player” and then “call”.
Call from dealers: You also have your own reputation for each dealer. She influences this positively by leading a successful trade. If you annoy the dealer because, for example, he has no patience for haggling due to your prices offered, your call sinks.
A good reputation
Advantages of a good reputation
If you have your reputation in the upper ranks, i.e. with a golden or light orange smiley, you can enjoy the following advantages:
From dealers you get better prices and when having been haggling you are willing to continue to deviate from the original price.
NPCs will be more friendly to Heinrich.
Any crimes are given to you by NPCs or waking faster. If you are caught in a crime, you have the opportunity to convince the NPC or the guard not to give you a punishment.
This is how you increase your reputation
Do quests: Consciously does orders and quests for NPCs.
Dialogue options: If you have collected enough speech, it is more likely that you can get through with positive dialog options, such as impressing or convincing.
Kill: As banal it sounds, sometimes it helps to simply let the NPC, which pulls your reputation down.
Pilgrimage: With a priest you can arrange a pilgrimage. The clergyman then sends you to a chapel in which he has to pray.
Drainage: You can show remorse of indulgence by paying pennies.
Important: Pilgrim trips and drainage only increase your reputation, but do not ensure that you do not have to pay for your crimes committed.
As a good Christian, Heinrich can simply give away part of his sins.
Sometimes you can get a good reputation. For example, if you just say to an NPC that you have done something for him.
Skills for increasing calls: If you get these skills, you will receive advantages for your reputation:
Charming man (main level): Heinrich’s reputation will increase by 10 percent more with every call increase
Memorable (main level): Positive and negative changes in Heinrich’s call have a higher scope and can achieve more groups of people.
Dorfheld (main level): Heinrich reaches a call over 60 points in a region, so he receives a bonus of 2 for strength, agility, vitality and speech.
Opportunist (main level): Heinrich’s reputation deteriorates, so it will now decrease by 10 percent less.
A bad reputation
Disadvantages of a bad reputation
If your call is symbolized by red or dark orange smileys, you have the following disadvantages:
Traders give you worse prices or don’t want to trade with you anymore. If you recently pushed it out with him when having been haunted, he will not want to haggle anymore.
Sleeping places can be withdrawn afterwards or they will no longer be offered to you in the future.
If you have too bad reputation with important story NPCs, you can get a game-over screen.
If your call is just a prison symbol, you have to adjust to these punishments, measured by your act.
This is how you lower your reputation
Crimes: Commit crimes is never a good idea, at least when you get caught.
Quests: Do not fulfill your quests, as the NPCs would like to, or if you do not create a quest at all, for example due to an expired time limit, your reputation deteriorates.
Dialogue options: If you choose common dialogue options, NPCs are angry. In addition, it is not well if you don’t have enough speech for a dialogue option. A failure is automatically deterioration in calls.
The call system is essential to survive in the Bohemian Middle Ages as Heinrich. Fortunately, a small change was made in the second part, which makes the game much less frustrating: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: A small improvement makes the RPG significantly less frustrating than its predecessor
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