Calculation of blood alcohol level: formula, alcohol elimination time

Calculation of blood alcohol level formula alcohol elimination time

Blood alcohol content refers to the level of alcohol present in the blood. A fact that is important to know when you want to take the car. What formula to calculate it? What is the elimination rate of alcohol per hour? How to lower it?

Did you drink too much? If in doubt, do not drive or breathe into a breathalyzer first. the blood alcohol level is not eliminated quickly so always be careful.

What is the formula for calculating blood alcohol content?

To calculate the blood alcohol level, that is to say the alcohol level present in the blood, there is a formula which varies according to the sex and the weight of the individual. “Women are generally more sensitive than men face the absorption of alcoholic beverages“, comments Dr. Patrick Aubé.

For a manthe formula is: (V×T×0.8) ÷ (0.7×M)

For a womanthe formula is essentially the same: (V×T×0.8) ÷ (0.6×M)

  • V represents the volume of drink ingested;
  • T represents the degree of alcohol in percentage;
  • 0.8 represents the density of the alcohol;
  • 0.7 and 0.6 (male and female) correspond to the diffusion coefficients;
  • M represents the individual’s weight in kilograms.

Let’s take the example of a 60 g woman who drank a 10 cl glass of champagne at 12 degrees:

(100×0.12×0.8) ÷ (0.6×60) = 9.6 ÷ 36 ≈ 0.26
His blood alcohol level is therefore 0.26g/l of blood. She can therefore take the wheel since she is below 0.5g/l of blood.However, the average speed of elimination of alcohol depends on other factors: type of consumption, functioning of the liver, concomitant medication…“, nuances the general practitioner.

How many glasses are allowed to drive?

You should not consume more than two glasses when you want to drive.

In France, the law prohibits driving with an alcohol level in blood greater than or equal to 0.5 g/l of blood (0.2g/l in the event of a probationary licence). In other words, do not consume more than two glasses when you want to drive. “It should also be taken into account drugs that reduce alertness and with whom the consumption of alcohol is very strongly discouraged, leading to a risk of increased drowsiness and a reduction in reflexes which can make driving a car very dangerous. These drugs fall into the families of hypnotics, anxiolytics, antidepressants, antihistamines (treatment of allergies)“, makes a point of specifying Dr. Patrick Aubé.

What is the elimination rate of alcohol?

the blood alcohol peak is reached 15 minutes after the last drink when you are fasting, and 1 hour later when the last glass is consumed during a meal. Then the body slowly begins to eliminate alcohol, at a rate of 0.10g to 0.15g of alcohol per liter of blood in one hour. On average, one to two hours are needed to eliminate a single drink of alcohol.

Exercising, eating, drinking water, swallowing a coffee, taking an aspirin… Contrary to many popular beliefs, there is no miracle cure to lower your blood alcohol level quickly. “If it is true that certain molecules are being studied to allow an acceleration of the speed of elimination of the absorbed alcohol, in the meantime, there is only one thing that works: be patient while waiting for the body to eliminate the alcohol“, indicates our interlocutor.

Are there apps to calculate your blood alcohol level?

There are different applications to know your blood alcohol level in real time. Let us mention in particular “Alcohol rate”, “AlcooTel MAAF”, “BAC track” available on iOS and Android, or “Alcodroid” (GooglePlay). The manufacturers of these applications specify however that these tools only allow to give an estimate of the alcohol level, without legal value. Under no circumstances can the apps determine whether a person is fit to drive or not.

When to hit the road after drinking?

It is always preferable not to drive after drinking alcohol, as not all individuals are equal with regard to the effect of alcohol on their driving behavior, at least two hours must pass before driving after even a moderate intake of alcoholic beverages”, recommends Dr. Patrick Aubé.

Thanks to Dr Patrick Aubé, general practitioner

Source : Road Safety website
