Café Bambino – The question box is open!

Cafe Bambino – The question box is open

▸ Yes, this is OFFICIALLY the last episode of the season. But NO, it’s not really the last episode of the season. In two weeks we have a secret guest (hint: We read her book last season) and this summer we’ve cooked up six episodes of six books so we can read together over the holidays. If you want to see in advance which books we choose, follow us on Instagram (cafebambino4ever), next week we will post the books there! In the season’s OFFICIALLY last episode (also called program), Karin and Tone have opened the question box on Instagram and answered some of your questions here. Should you curl your children? How old is Karin? Why does Tone think she is young? How to avoid becoming politically depressed and what the hell to do with your big breasts? But above all, a hurtful discussion where Karin wants Tone to admit that she has low self-confidence, even though she doesn’t? Thank you dear Bambinos for a wonderful spring, we love you!
