Café Bambino – Suzanne Osten trusts the children

Cafe Bambino – Suzanne Osten trusts the children

▸ In the last Café Bambino of the season, the old ladies are visited by theater legend Suzanne Osten. Suzanne is one of Sweden’s best-known directors, playwrights and writers, active since the 1960s. In December, she directs “Conspiration” on Dramaten’s big stage. Suzanne has also founded Unga Klara, which is Stockholm City Theatre’s stage for children and young people, and has always focused on the child’s place in society and culture. But how much truth can children really take? Karin fondly remembers how Suzanne handled a pornographic scandal at Stockholm’s dramatic college, and Tone, who is childless, has slightly different ideas about how parents should be.
