Caesarean section lasted eight hours – newborn child died

When a first-time mother at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm suffered an infection, a discussion began about carrying out a caesarean section.
shortcomings in the handling” delayed the decision by over eight hours – and the child died shortly after birth.
Now the hospital reports itself to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (IVO), reports News Agency Siren.

A newborn child died shortly after birth at Södersjukhuset in April earlier this year. The mother was in her 30th week of pregnancy when her water broke and had to be moved from Karolinska University Hospital in Solna due to lack of space.

Died in mother’s arms

Then she suffered from chills and fever. According to Södersjukhuset’s lex Maria report, there were a “number of indications” for giving birth by planned caesarean section. But due to “deficiencies in the handling” and “unclear medical responsibility”, the decision took more than eight hours.

The child showed signs of severe oxygen deprivation and was placed on a ventilator, but died in the mother’s arms shortly after birth.

“Risk of serious medical damage”

According to the report, a caesarean section that was performed earlier would probably have reduced the risk of lack of oxygen in the child. It would probably have also given better conditions to be able to treat the child.

“The lack of handling in itself has caused a risk of serious medical damage. It also cannot be ruled out that the delay in itself contributed to the child’s death,” the report states.

The hospital claims to have identified several improvement measures in order to increase

patient safety and thus reduce the risk of similar events occurring again.
