C: Lower the age limit at Systembolaget

Today, the 20-year limit applies to Systembolaget, but C now wants the limit lowered.

The decision was taken at the party’s general meeting in Örebro. It is an issue that the youth and student unions propagated and the party board supported the proposal.

Another decision at the meeting is that C wants to change the parental code so that children can have more than two guardians, something that is not possible today.

The vote on the issue was very even and had to be retaken several times. Among other things, due to voting failure and the fact that someone was alleged to have voted on a tablet other than their own.

If the parental code is changed, then the impact on parental insurance, child support and similar systems must be investigated so that the change does not favor so-called star families contrary to the systems’ intentions, according to C.
